Day 4: The Vol State 500K Live Blog/Standings (2015)

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Day 4: The Vol State 500K Live Blog/Standings (2015): Carnage Road

72 Hour Vol State 500K Standings 7:30am Sunday, July 12th (68 Runners, 12 DNFs)

  1. Greg Armstrong – 244 miles 
  2. Johan Steene – 234 miles
  3. John Fegyveresi – 204 miles
  4. Jeremy Ebel – 188 miles
  5. Steven Smith – 188 miles
  6. Lisa Van Wolde – 185 miles (F)
  7. Marylou Corino – 185 miles (F)
  8. Michael Callans – 179 miles
  9. Jay Dobrowalski – 178 miles
  10. Francesca Muccini – 175 miles (F)
  11. James Adams – 169 miles
  12. Timothy Daily – 157 miles
  13. Andrea Stewart – 156 miles
  14. Jeff McGonnell – 156 miles
  15. Bo Millwood 147 miles
  16. Karen Jackson – 147 miles
  17. Ben Herron – 146 miles
  18. Thomas Skinner – 145 miles
  19. Jeffrey Stephens – 145 miles
  20. Tim Purol – 145 miles
  21. Sherry Meador  – 145 miles
  22. Nathan Dewall – 145 miles
  23. Sal Coll – 144 miles
  24. Richard Westbrook – 144 miles
  25. Edward Masuoka – 144 miles
  26. Scott Krouse – 144 miles
  27. Shane Tucker – 143 miles
  28. David Lettieri – 143 miles
  29. Allen Wrinkle – 141 miles
  30. Gina Chupka – 141 miles
  31. John Sharp – 141 miles
  32. Thomas Alm – 141 miles
  33. Caleb Nolen – 140 miles
  34. Lisa Hazlett – 138 miles
  35. Rick Gray – 138 miles
  36. Joshua Swink – 138 miles
  37. Christopher Knight – 136 miles
  38. Tom Dekornfield – 136 miles
  39. Gregg Ellis – 136 miles
  40. Fred Davis III – 130 miles
  41. Mike Delang – 129 miles
  42. Sangy Geisel – 129 miles
  43. Joseph Kowalski – 129 miles
  44. Bill Haecker – 128 miles
  45. Johnny Adams – 125 miles
  46. Richard McKnight – 125 miles
  47. Ally Gregory – 124 miles
  48. Shelly Mack – 123 miles
  49. Christian McMahon – 122 miles
  50. Curt Chambers – 122 miles
  51. Gilbert Gray – 121 miles
  52. Remy Brandefalk – 121 miles
  53. Dale Rucker – 121 miles
  54. Tim Loudermilk – 120 miles
  55. Lynda Webber – 118 miles
  56. Sergio Bianchini – 118 miles
  57. Dallas Smith – 117 miles
  58. Don Winkley – 116 miles
  59. Jameelah Abdul-Rahim – 115 miles
  60. John Price – 111 miles
  61. Jay Hamilton – 108 miles
  62. Paul Heckert – 107 miles
  63. Garry Price – 106 miles
  64. Troy Johnson – 105 miles
  65. Cathie Johnson – 105 miles
  66. Ben Pennington – 102 miles
  67. Diane Taylor – 98 miles
  68. Terrie Wurzbacher – 98 miles

DID NOT FINISH (12): Joe Ninke 145 miles, Marcia Rasmussen mile 125, Ronald Trignano 109 miles, Sue Scholl mile 107, John Rasmussen mile 92, Ann Kerkman 83 miles, Troy Varney 83 miles, Brian Pickett mile 78, Betty Holder 56 miles, Michael Melton mile 54, Amanda McMahon mile 45, Larry Phillips mile 39

Sal Coll and Shane Tucker Mile 146 Vol State 500K - Run It Fast

Run It Fast members Sal Coll and Shane Tucker taking names around mile 146.

Laz’s 72 Hour Pep Talk

the long thin line grows thinner:

the 4th morning is here.
once again the sun beats down
the chirring july flies sing…

and the vol staters run.
and walk.
and trudge.

over the hills and thru the valleys.
past streams and trees
and past the places where their comrades fell.
across bridges
and thru small towns.

three days have taken a toll.
many are gone now,
and the long thin line grows thinner.
those who fight on have been hardened by the road
and baked by the sun.

there is a different resolve now.
not the brave words of the last supper
and the laughter of the ferry.

it has been replaced with a grim resolve.
soldier on, brave warriors.

oprah is no longer far behind.
the runners at the back can feel her hot breath on their necks.
when they pause to rest,
they can hear her stiletto heels clicking on the pavement behind them.

at the front the thoughts of records ands glory are long gone.
now each and every survivor pursues the same goal.
press on to the rock.
survive the day,
live to fight another.

anyone could do the vol state
few will try,
and fewer will succeed.
it is hard in ways you cannot imagine from home.
the survivors know.
they do not have to imagine it any longer.
they are living it.

every minute of every day…

overnight, greg held to his lead.
but the stubborn swede will not go away.
like a speedy oprah, he is still there.
10 miles behind.
both seem likely to finish sometime between midnight and dawn.
but there is a lot of road to cover in the heat today.

fegy is now a solid third.
smith came roaring back last night,
and has moved into a tie with ebel for 4th/5th.

the canadiennes still lead the women,
and are a mere 3 miles further back.

and the beat(ing) goes on.


More photos, news, and notes from Day 4

Steven Smith Bench of Despair 2015 Vol State - Run It Fast

Run It Fast’s Steven Smith vandalizing private property at the Bench of Despair. Kentucky boys never change!

“Crossed TN River. Fever in quads broke. I can run again. On pace.” – Dallas Smith

“Mile 145, Hohenwald. Few hours of rest and I’m able to put down solid food.

Unfortunately, moving with the sun so many long breaks expected during the day. Definitely heat CAT 5++++!

And sad to report, my brother has dropped. Shoe issues from the beginning, he gutted out 109 miles before blisters rendered his feet a painful and unrecognizable mess. Way to fight the last few days Ron! (Although, his “slow” start he came through the 20 mile mark with the now 3rd place runner. Uh huh…)” – Scott Krouse

Lisa Van Wolde Vol State 500K Bench of Despair - Run It Fast

Lisa Van Wolde, tied for top female, tuckered out on the Bench of Despair m180.

Marylou Corino Vol State 500K Bench of Despair 2015 - Run It Fast

Marylou Corino, tied with Lisa for top female, with a similar fate at the Bench.

Race leader Greg Armstrong is currently at mile 255 according to his crewman Joseph Nance (race time 11:20am).

Greg Armstrong Vol State 500K m254 - Run It Fast

Armstrong rolling on with cracked rib and all!

72 Hour Google Map of Runner Positions

Steven Smith Mile 200 Vol State 500K - Run It Fast

Steven Smith hits mile 200 of The Vol State. Only 114 miles to go.

The Canadian women of Marylou Corino and Lisa Van Wolde are at mile 200 in Lewisburg.

Greg Armstrong is strong once again and banging out 10-11 minute miles as he starts to feel the pull of The Rock a bit as he moves towards Monteagle Mountain.

Shane Tucker is to mile 152 where he is now going down for sleep and will get back at it once the sun is down.

Race leader Greg Armstrong has turned the volume up to sub 10 min miles and is now at mile 265 with less than 50 miles to go. He is 10 miles away from the base of Monteagle mtn.

Thanks for all the encouragement and positive energy! This race has been brutal. Three straight days of a heat index at 100 degrees. Never have I been so humbled.  Am at the base of Mounteagle about to make the ascent! Less than 50 to go. The Rock is near!” – Greg Armstrong

Ben Herron Vol State 500K - 2015 on 412

Ben Herron is all thumb on his trek towards Columbia, TN.

“Having a blast! (really lol) the camaderie is admirable. We all are in pain, we see it in each other’s eyes. Yes it hurts, it’s extremely hard, this course is unforgiving and relentless. Goals and plans have changed too many times to count but the goal of reaching the Rock hasn’t. I’ve ran out of food n supplies in between just about every town, I’ve begged strangers for water, I’ve been dehydrated, gotten cramps, hobbled thru 144 miles but I’m still marching toward the Rock. This course will make the most fluid runners hobble. It will turn 10 min miles into 30 min miles. If it was easy then everyone would do it. The Vol Staters we don’t want easy, we want to earn our seat in the camp chair “throne” on the Rock. We just want to finish this beast and prove to ourselves that we have what it takes inside. It is about survival now. ‪#‎GetToTheRock‬” – Gregg Ellis

“Yikes, I just took a look at Mike’s (Delang) feet. No wonder his painful grimaces and slow pace, the skin has completely come off 3 toes. Let’s see how well I can treat and tape them with what tools I have and if it will help him move forward. We are desperately trying to avoid a call to the ‘meat wagon’ that would end our race. Our goal is to walk the 9 miles to the next town and see how he does.” – Sandy Geisel

84 Hour Update Shortly. Runners are still reporting their positions….several more DNF’s. Armstrong is at 281. Steene 273.

84 Hour Vol State 500K Standings 7:30am Sunday, July 12th (63 Runners, 17 DNFs)

  1. Greg Armstrong – 281 miles 
  2. Johan Steene – 273 miles
  3. John Fegyveresi – 234 miles
  4. Steven Smith – 224 miles
  5. Lisa Van Wolde – 211 miles (F)
  6. Marylou Corino – 211 miles (F)
  7. Jay Dobrowalski – 202 miles
  8. Jeremy Ebel – 202 miles
  9. Michael Callans – 200 miles
  10. Andrea Stewart – 179 miles
  11. James Adams – 178 miles
  12. Thomas Alm – 176 miles
  13. Lisa Hazlett – 174 miles
  14. Rick Gray – 174 miles
  15. Bo Millwood 173 miles
  16. Karen Jackson – 173 miles
  17. David Lettieri – 172 miles
  18. Sal Coll – 171 miles
  19. Edward Masuoka – 170 miles
  20. Richard Westbrook – 170 miles
  21. Jeffrey Stephens – 169 miles
  22. Tim Purol – 169 miles
  23. Scott Krouse – 165 miles
  24. Sherry Meador – 165 miles
  25. Caleb Nolen – 164 miles
  26. Ben Herron – 163 miles
  27. Joshua Swink – 163 miles
  28. Timothy Daily – 163 miles
  29. Thomas Skinner – 162 miles
  30. Shane Tucker – 152 miles
  31. Shelly Mack – 150 miles
  32. Bill Haecker – 147 miles
  33. Allen Wrinkle – 146 miles
  34. Gina Chupka – 146 miles
  35. John Sharp – 146 miles
  36. Christopher Knight – 145 miles
  37. Dallas Smith – 145 miles
  38. Fred Davis III – 145 miles
  39. Gregg Ellis – 145 miles
  40. Lynda Webber – 145 miles
  41. Sergio Bianchini – 145 miles
  42. Tom Dekornfield – 145 miles
  43. Joseph Kowalski – 145 miles
  44. Gilbert Gray – 142 miles
  45. Jameelah Abul-Rahim – 142 miles
  46. Remy Brandefalk – 142 miles
  47. Don Winkley – 140 miles
  48. Johnny Adams – 139 miles
  49. Richard McKnight 139 miles
  50. Ally Gregory – 137 miles
  51. Sandy Geisel – 136 miles
  52. Tim Loudermilk – 135 miles
  53. John Price – 131 miles
  54. Christian McMahon – 131 miles
  55. Curt Chambers – 131 miles
  56. Cathie Johnson – 125 miles
  57. Troy Johnson – 125 miles
  58. Jay Hamilton – 125 miles
  59. Garry Price – 114 miles
  60. Paul Heckert – 113 miles
  61. Ben Pennington – 111 miles
  62. Diane Taylor – 108 miles
  63. Terrie Wurzbacher – 108 miles

DID NOT FINISH (17): Francesca Muccini 188 miles, Jeff McGonnell 165 miles, Joe Ninke 145 miles, Mike Delang mile 135, Dale Rucker mile 125, Marcia Rasmussen mile 125, Ronald Trignano 109 miles, Sue Scholl mile 107, John Rasmussen mile 92, Ann Kerkman 83 miles, Troy Varney 83 miles, Brian Pickett mile 78, Betty Holder 56 miles, Michael Melton mile 54, Amanda McMahon mile 45, Larry Phillips mile 39

After the updated standings were posted, Francesca Muccini who was the third female, dropped from the race per her Facebook update. Congrats to RIF’s Francesca who had an amazing run. Great job, Francesca!

The eloquent Dallas Smith checks in with these words:

Day 4, Sunday, Hohenwald, MM 145

The Vol State 500k has added a new term to the running lexicon, “2 mph.” A speed ordinary runners don’t consider, but every Vol Stater knows. When you have no play left except an enfeebled walk then you make that play.

You can endure even that and emerge running the next day. I did. The fever on my quads broke during a deep sleep untroubled by dreams or trips to the bathroom. This morning, I hit US 412 at 4:14 in Parsons. I stopped at 6:30 pm at Hohenwald.

The moon is a stingy mistress withholding her light, hanging in the eastern morning sky, offering only a thin smile and each day falling a little closer to the rising sun.

When I left Parsons a whip-o-will was calling, second consecutive morning to hear that sound. A chorus of frogs, several kinds, were making their calls, including one that sounded like barking. And a bullfrog was grunting. These hopeful sounds launched me into another burning day.

I have a hip hop vibe going, running with my shorts pulled down low, so they can rub a new spot and let the old spot rest. May improve my style category, trotting down the road with drooping britches.

I remember a guy two years ago had same problem, but different body part. He wrapped his scrotum with duct tape. Which seemed an imperfect solution. That’s the fate of the uncrewed runner – making do with what he has or he can find.

Rich McKnight Vol State 500K Shadow Bird - Run It Fast

Rich McKnight’s shadow gives the Vol State course a subtle message!

Gregg Ellis just hit the half way point (m157). Congrats Gregg! Only 157mi to go!

Steven Smith is back on the road after a short rest. He has just 89 miles to go and is currently in 4th place.

Vol State 500K Natchez Trace Parkway photos by Shane Tucker

Vol State 500K Day 4 Nathez Trace Hwy by Shane Tucker

Couple great photos above from Shane Tucker while cruising through the Natchez Trace Parkway.

“We got up at midnight and started our journey at 0030. We wanted to get a lot of miles in before the heat. Yesterday we went 39 miles,today we went 34 miles, and stopped in Linden,TN. It was very hot today! We have knocked out 125 miles.” – Troy Johnson

Armstrong has got to be getting close to The Rock!

“Halfway at 1:58 AM on day 4. Unofficial Vol State clock time of 3 days, 17 hours and 58 minutes.” – Shane Tucker

Laz’s Nightly News Report from the Road

blood on the highway

one word keeps surfacing at the vol state…





today was a truly brutal day.

another escalation in the heat index

battered the weary footwarriors,


and more than a few were pushed beyond their capacity to endure.


one by one they capitulated.

all day long.

65 of the original 80 remain,

and many of them are hanging by a thread….


tomorrow promises to be the hottest day yet.


and we knew it would happen.

the relentless oprah has overtaken a runner.

sentimental favorites terrie wurzbacher and diane taylor

find their backs to the wall tonight.


they must run down oprah in the darkness

to keep their dreams of reaching the rock alive.


of course they are only trying to buy a day.

oprah never lets up.


at the front,

greg armstrong has begun his push to the finish

and is running very strong.

johan steene still refuses to go away

having, unbelievably, cut the lead to 8 miles

over a 30 mile stretch of road almost devoid of aid possibilities.

I cannot find the words to describe the improbability of this feat.


fegy is now totally alone in third.


and steven smith has returned from the void to grab a solid hold on 4th.


the canadiennes are smiling and dancing along in 5th/6th.


Jeremy ebel and jay dobrawalski have taken very different routes

to fall out of contention.


Jeremy ran 10 miles off course

(meaning a 20 mile error by the time he gets back)

jay has simply crashed and burned…


his corpse stumbles on,

refusing to quit.


the first half of day 4 has been a nightmare.

now we will see what the night itself will bring.




Day-by-Day Vol State 5ooK Recaps

Vintage Vol State 500K Race Reports

Historical Vol State 500K Results

– Run It Fast®



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This post was written by:

- who has written 1138 posts on Run It Fast®.

Joshua Holmes has completed 325 marathons/ultramarathons while running 100+ miles 62 including races such as the Badwater 135 (9x), Western States 100, The Last Annual Vol State 500K (4x). He is the founder of Run It Fast, the most driven club on the planet. His favorite races to date are the Vol State 500K, Badwater 135, Barkley Fall Classic, Catalina Eco Marathon, Chimera 100, Across The Years, Savage Gulf Trail Marathon, Strolling Jim 40 Miler, Tunnel Hill 100, RUTS, EC100 and the Flying Monkey Marathon in his home state of Tennessee. Follow @bayou Follow @joshuaholmes on Instagram

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