Day 1: The Vol State 500K Live Blog/Standings (2015)

VS500K HAT Vol State 500K Hat
The 2015 Last Annual Vol State 500K kicked off earlier this morning in Hickman, Kentucky. The Mississippi River was too high from all the heavy rains the area has taken on lately so the ferry was not running across the river.

Ferry Water Runneth Over Vol State 500K - Run It Fast photo by Dallas Smith   smithbend    Twitter
So instead of starting on the banks of Missouri and running onto the ferry, runners instead started in Hickman, Kentucky next to the ferry after simulating the time the ferry ride would have taken. The race started at 7:30am CT.

Run It Fast had 13 runners sign up for this year’s LAVS and 12 that started. Here is a photo of them on the simulated ferry as they waited for the time to click off:

Vol State 2015 Run It Fast Members Ferry
Last year’s ‘King of the Road’ Greg Armstrong (RIF #373) started strong and took off with the lead. Here is a photo that RIF’s Bill Baker took of Greg 7 miles into the race:

Greg Armstrong 2015 Vol State 500K Day 1 - Run It Fast
RIF’s Josh Tyner caught RIF members Marylou Corino and Lisa Van Wolde making the turn at mile 18 in Union City this morning.

Josh Tyner Vol State 500K with Marylou Corino and Lisa - Run It Fast
Shane Tucker taking a quick break in Martin, TN:

Shane Tucker 2015 Vol State 500K Day 1 - Run It Fast
After 12 hours, last year’s King Greg Armstrong has a 2 mile lead over Brian Pickett’s ‘Charge!’ Armstrong is 8 miles ahead of course record pace after the first 12 hours. Sweden’s Johan Steene is at 63 miles with 4th overall, first female being Sue Scholl, who set the women’s course record last year. Second female after Sue is Lisa Hazlett with 51 miles and third is Marylou Corino and Lisa Van Wolde with 49 miles.

12 Hour Standings as of 7:30pm on Day 1 – 80 runners:

  1. Greg Armstrong – 68 miles
  2. Brian Pickett – 66 miles
  3. Johan Steene – 63 miles
  4. Sue Scholl – 53 miles (F)
  5. Lisa Hazlett – 51 miles (F)
  6. Rick Gray – 51 miles
  7. Steven Smith – 50 miles
  8. Nathan Dewall – 50 miles
  9. Marylou Corino – 49 miles (F)
  10. Lisa Van Wolde – 49 miles (F)
  11. Francesca Muccini – 49 miles (F)
  12. Jeremy Ebel – 48 miles
  13. John Fegyveresi – 48 miles
  14. Jay Dobrowalski – 48 miles
  15. Michael Callans – 47 miles
  16. Marcia Rasmussen – 46 miles
  17. James Adams – 45 miles
  18. Thomas Alm – 45 miles
  19. Tom Dekornfield – 43 miles
  20. Don Winkley – 43 miles
  21. Ronald Trignano – 42 miles
  22. Ally Gregory – 42 miles
  23. Shane Tucker – 41 miles
  24. Sal Coll – 40 miles
  25. Johnny Adams – 40 miles
  26. Gregg Ellis – 40 miles
  27. Richard McKnight – 40 miles
  28. Jeff Mcgonnell – 40 miles
  29. Joe Ninke – 40 miles
  30. Shelly Mack – 40 miles
  31. Gina Chupka – 40 miles
  32. Jay Hamilton – 40 miles
  33. Andrea Stewart – 40 miles
  34. John Sharp – 40 miles
  35. Allen Wrinkle – 40 miles
  36. David Lettieri – 40 miles
  37. Scott Krouse – 40 miles
  38. Ben Herron – 39 miles
  39. Mike Delang – 39 miles
  40. Jeffrey Stephens – 39 miles
  41. Bill Haecker – 39 miles
  42. Tim Purol – 39 miles
  43. Sandy Geisel – 39 miles
  44. Jameelah Abdul-Rahim Mujaahid – 38 miles
  45. Caleb Nolen – 38 miles
  46. Karen Jackson – 38 miles
  47. Bo Millwood – 38 miles
  48. Edward Masuoka – 38 miles
  49. Gilbert Gray – 37 miles
  50. Thomas Skinner – 37 miles
  51. Remy Brandefalk – 37 miles
  52. Richard Westbrook – 36 miles
  53. Joseph Kowalski – 35 miles
  54. Dale Rucker – 34 miles
  55. Tim Loudermilk – 33 miles
  56. Sergio Bianchini – 32 miles
  57. Lynda Webber – 32 miles
  58. Joshua Swink – 32 miles
  59. Betty Holder – 32 miles
  60. Michael Melton – 31 miles
  61. Fred Davis III – 31 miles
  62. Sherry Meador – 30 miles
  63. John Price – 30 miles
  64. Garry Price – 30 miles
  65. Dallas Smith – 30 miles
  66. Tony Varney – 30 miles
  67. Christian Mcmahan – 30 miles
  68. Amanda Mcmahan – 30 miles
  69. Christopher Knight – 30 miles
  70. Ann Kerkman – 30 miles
  71. Diane Taylor – 30 miles
  72. Curt Chambers – 30 miles
  73. Terrie Wurzbacher – 30 miles
  74. Larry Phillips – 29 miles
  75. John Rasmussen – 29 miles
  76. Troy Johnson – 29 miles
  77. Cathie Johnson – 29 miles
  78. Paul Heckert – 28 miles
  79. Ben Pennington – 28 miles
  80. Timothy Daily – 21 miles

– Run It Fast®

80 runners is insane.

there are so many runners along the road,

it looks like a 10k is going on….

a really slow 10k.

day 1 was blessed with mild conditions.

the “heat index” was a paltry 97,

altho things promise to heat up tomorrow.

the runners took full advantage.

Armstrong logged a neat 68 in the first 12 hours,

but he had not buried the field.

brian pickett was well within striking distance,

and is probably the fastest pure runner in the field.

greg’s advantage in multiday experience will be tough to overcome

(over another 250 or so miles)

behind the leaders,

runners were lined up in close order.

day one is just a chance to get blooded a little bit.

things won’t start to get serious until tomorrow,

when much more typical temperatures are expected….

and greg seems pretty tight with the 110+ heat indexes.

the real story on day 1 is the response of rural Tennessee to the race.

road angels apparently were out in abundance,

offering up cold refreshment to the cooking runners.

the city of Dresden set up a “welcome center”

with cold drinks, watermelon, and various other treats.

gleason’s fire department

set up an aid station, which was just starting to get customers after 12 hours.

maybe the nicest touch so far

has been the hand lettered signs;

“Welcome Vol State Runners”

“All the way to the Rock”

“Every Step Counts”

the small towns along the way have embraced the vol state

and its runners.

this is going to be a very interesting week.



Day-by-Day Vol State 5ooK Recaps

Vintage Vol State 500K Race Reports

Historical Vol State 500K Results

– Run It Fast®



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This post was written by:

- who has written 1138 posts on Run It Fast®.

Joshua Holmes has completed 325 marathons/ultramarathons while running 100+ miles 62 including races such as the Badwater 135 (9x), Western States 100, The Last Annual Vol State 500K (4x). He is the founder of Run It Fast, the most driven club on the planet. His favorite races to date are the Vol State 500K, Badwater 135, Barkley Fall Classic, Catalina Eco Marathon, Chimera 100, Across The Years, Savage Gulf Trail Marathon, Strolling Jim 40 Miler, Tunnel Hill 100, RUTS, EC100 and the Flying Monkey Marathon in his home state of Tennessee. Follow @bayou Follow @joshuaholmes on Instagram

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  2. […] Day 1: The Vol State 500K Live Blog/Standings (2015) […]

  3. […] Day 1: The Vol State 500K Live Blog/Standings (2015) […]

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