Day 8: The Vol State 500K Live Blog/Standings (2015)

Vol State 500K Bandage Red Logo

Many more finishers made it to The Rock completing their Vol State 500K journey over the night and early morning. Congrats to David Lettieri, Michael Callans, Thomas Alm, Timothy Daily, Edward Masuoka, Ben Herron, Tim Purol, Jeffrey Stephens, Tom Dekornfield, Scott Krouse!

Lynda Webber is supposedly back from the dead but still at mile 235.

168 Hour Vol State 500K Standings 7:30am Thursday, July 16th (24 Finishers, 36 Running, 20 DNFs)

  1. Greg Armstrong – 3 days 22 hours 5 minutes 23 seconds (King of the Road)
  2. Johan Steene – 3 days 23 hours 15 minutes 52 seconds (uncrewed course record, 2nd overall)
  3. John Fegyveresi – 4 days 19 hours 28 minutes 54 seconds (3rd overall, uncrewed)
  4. Steven Smith – 4 days 20 hours 3 minutes 48 seconds
  5. Lisa Van Wolde – 5 days 8 hours 6 minutes 47 seconds (1st Female)
  6. Marylou Corino – 5 days 8 hours 6 minutes 52 seconds (T-1st/2nd Female)
  7. Jeremy Ebel – 5 days 16 hours 42 minutes 30 seconds (uncrewed)
  8. Andrea Stewart – 5 days 21 hours 33 minutes 59 seconds (3rd female, uncrewed)
  9. Jay Dobrowalski – 5 days 23 hours 34 minutes 38 seconds (uncrewed)
  10. James Adams – 6 days 5 hours 47 minutes 12 seconds (uncrewed)
  11. Sal Coll – 6 days 8 hours 4 minutes 25 seconds (uncrewed, 4x finisher)
  12. Bo Millwood – 6 days 10 hours 11 minutes 20 seconds (uncrewed)
  13. Karen Jackson – 6 days 10 hours 11 minutes 40 seconds (uncrewed)
  14. Rick Gray – 6 days 11 hours 10 minutes 8 seconds
  15. Lisa Hazlett – 6 days 11 hours 22 minutes 27 seconds
  16. David Lettieri – 6 days 15 hours 43 minutes 46 seconds (uncrewed)
  17. Michael Callans – 6 days 17 hours 17 minutes 5 seconds (uncrewed)
  18. Thomas Alm – 6 days 17 hours 29 minutes 9 seconds
  19. Timothy Daily – 6 days 17 hours 29 minutes 39 seconds
  20. Edward Masuoka – 6 days 20 hours 3 minutes 9 seconds (uncrewed)
  21. Ben Herron – 6 days 21 hours 5 minutes 29 seconds (uncrewed)
  22. Tim Purol – 6 days 21 hours 47 minutes 8 seconds (uncrewed)
  23. Jeffrey Stephens – 6 days 22 hours 20 minutes 44 seconds (uncrewed)
  24. Tom Dekornfield – 6 days 23 hours 4 minutes 42 seconds (uncrewed)
  25. Scott Krouse – 303 miles
  26. Thomas Skinner – 301 miles
  27. Caleb Nolen – 293 miles
  28. Gina Chupka – 288 miles
  29. Sherry Meador – 282 miles
  30. Allen Wrinkle – 280 miles
  31. John Sharp – 280 miles
  32. Shelly Mack – 280 miles
  33. Christian McMahon – 280 miles
  34. Ally Gregory – 278 miles
  35. Shane Tucker – 278 miles
  36. Joshua Swink – 277 miles
  37. Christopher Knight – 272 miles
  38. Fred Davis III – 271 miles
  39. Dallas Smith – 264 miles
  40. Sergio Bianchini – 257 miles
  41. Rich McKnight – 254 miles
  42. Gregg Ellis – 254 miles
  43. Don Winkley – 253 miles
  44. Johnny Adams – 252 miles
  45. John Price – 248 miles
  46. Tim Loudermilk – 240 miles
  47. Joseph Kowalski – 238 miles
  48. Jameelah Abdul-Rahim – 238 miles
  49. Gilbert Gray – 238 miles
  50. Remy Brandefalk – 238 miles
  51. Lynda Webber – 235 miles
  52. Troy Johnson – 235 miles
  53. Cathie Johnson – 235 miles
  54. Terrie Wurzbacher – 232 miles
  55. Paul Heckert – 229 miles
  56. Garry Price – 228 miles
  57. Bill Haecker – 224 miles
  58. Jay Hamilton – 222 miles
  59. Diane Taylor – 222 miles
  60. Ben Pennington – 222 miles

DID NOT FINISH (21): Richard Westbook 257 miles, Sandy Geisel 189 miles, Francesca Muccini 188 miles, Jeff McGonnell 165 miles, Nathan Dewall 145 miles, Johnny Adams 145 miles, Joe Ninke 145 miles, Mike Delang mile 135, Curt Chambers mile 130, Dale Rucker mile 125, Marcia Rasmussen mile 125, Ronald Trignano 109 miles, Sue Scholl mile 107, John Rasmussen mile 92, Ann Kerkman 83 miles, Troy Varney 83 miles, Brian Pickett mile 78, Betty Holder 56 miles, Michael Melton mile 54, Amanda McMahon mile 45, Larry Phillips mile 39

*bold = Run It Fast Club members

Scott Krouse on the Vol State 500K Rock Finish 2015 - Run It Fast

Scott Krouse finished shortly into the start of day with a time of 7 days 3 hours 32 minutes 27 seconds and told race officials, “I collapsed at the base of Jasper mountain, recovering, when I read laz’s update about that annihilating descent….I was like, ‘well that’s ironic.’ ” Congrats Scott on a strong race.

Run It Fast member Ben Herron finished early this morning with a sub 7-day finish of 6 days 21 hours 5 minutes 29 seconds. Ben also completed the Vol State 500K relay with the team Run It Fast, Ya’ll back in May. Herron along with Steven Smith completed both the solo and relay version of the 500K this year.

Gregg Ellis is now past Pelham and has started the ascent to the top of Monteagle mountain.

Vol State 500K Monteagle Mtn Gregg Ellis - Run It Fast

And now he’s to the top!

“Stopping in Jasper for the day at mile 294. Time for shower and some grub then a nap before bringing it home tomorrow early morning” – Shane Tucker

Vol State 500K Pelham Sunrise - Dallas Smith - Run It Fast

Dallas Smith said he got to enjoy another sunrise on the road this morning. And what a beautiful one it was judging by this photo he posted to Twitter. You can follow Dallas on Twitter @SmithBend

Vol State 500K- Rich McKnight Up on Monteagle - Run It Fast

Vol State 500K Whitney Franklin and Rich McKnight - Run It Fast

RIF member Whitney Franklin spotted Rich McKnight (above) up on Monteagle a few moments ago. Rich is less than 40 miles from the finish.

Vol State 500K- Troy and Cathie Johnson Manchester TN - Run It Fast

RIF spotter Whitney also just found Troy and Cathie Johnson crossing I-24 just past mile 250 in Manchester, TN. It looks like they are going to do it this year after a joint DNF last year. Amazing couple!

“Vol State Day 8. 37 miles. 294 miles total. 20 miles to finish. After some rest. I am hoping to get up around midnight and try to finish. All miles covered before 7:30 AM will count as part of the day 8 total. Hopefully, the finish time should be around 6 or 7 central time. I will enjoy my last 20 miles of this adventure…..” – Shane Tucker

“Today we ended up in Manchester,TN 250 miles in our journey. 64 miles to go!!! We celebrated a little, and we are heading to Monteagle abought 10 pm. Shin Splints bad, on right leg.” – Troy and Cathie Johnson

Congrats to the following two, Gina and Thomas, on reaching The Rock!!!!

26. Gina Fioroni ‘Chupka’ – 7:07:02:59 – “I woke up at 2:30 this morning, I have a flight to catch this evening!”
27. Thomas Skinner – 7:08:15:34 – I ran it a second time to see the difference between crewed and screwed.Running ……screwed … …..harder ……..than ………running ……..crewed.

Vol State vet John Price, who has the most finishes of all-time, is to the top of Monteagle.

“Day 8, Thursday, Tracy City, MM 281

I’m running on raw nubs. Last night I soaked them in peroxide mixed with water in a hotel wastebasket, as Don Winkley had advised. 77 now, he was King of the Road one year. I expect he’ll beat me this year. He’s supported. Someone like that speaks, you listen.

I’m sitting on a side deck of a church in Tracy City, were I’ve just dined on a Slim Jim. Having peanuts after this post. That’ll be supper. Also were I just slept for a hour. That’ll be my sleep. Nearest hotel is hours away.

Day 8 doesn’t end until 7:30 tomorrow morning. I’d been determined to reach The Rock by then, finish in under 8 days. That dream is dead and buried in Tracy City. Hit a bad patch here.

Leaving here to soldier on thru the night, do what I can do. Long lonely stretch from here to Jasper.” – Dallas Smith

Vol State 500K Lisa Van Wolde and Marylou Corino with Lazarus Lake in Kimball 2015 - Run It Fast

Let me tell you the time about Laz ran into the wild Canadian women in the parking lot of the Super 8 Motel in Kimball, Tennessee.

“288 miles. 1 marathon left” – Gregg Ellis

Vol State 500K A Knocked the Eff Out Lazarus Lake at The Rock - Run It Fast

This is the grand prize awaiting all of you starved, tired, needy runners at The Rock. “Laz, you been knocked the eff out!”

Caleb Nolen and Shelly Mack ‘Daddy’ have now finished and reached The Rock…probably eating Mexican food about right now. Caleb in 7 days 9 hours 48 minutes 10 seconds and Mack Daddy in 7 days 10 hours 32 minutes 13 seconds. Congrats!!

180 Hour Vol State 500K Standings 7:30pm Thursday, July 16th (31 Finishers, 29 Running, 20 DNFs)

  1. Greg Armstrong – 3 days 22 hours 5 minutes 23 seconds (King of the Road)
  2. Johan Steene – 3 days 23 hours 15 minutes 52 seconds (uncrewed course record, 2nd overall)
  3. John Fegyveresi – 4 days 19 hours 28 minutes 54 seconds (3rd overall, uncrewed)
  4. Steven Smith – 4 days 20 hours 3 minutes 48 seconds
  5. Lisa Van Wolde – 5 days 8 hours 6 minutes 47 seconds (1st Female)
  6. Marylou Corino – 5 days 8 hours 6 minutes 52 seconds (T-1st/2nd Female)
  7. Jeremy Ebel – 5 days 16 hours 42 minutes 30 seconds (uncrewed)
  8. Andrea Stewart – 5 days 21 hours 33 minutes 59 seconds (3rd female, uncrewed)
  9. Jay Dobrowalski – 5 days 23 hours 34 minutes 38 seconds (uncrewed)
  10. James Adams – 6 days 5 hours 47 minutes 12 seconds (uncrewed)
  11. Sal Coll – 6 days 8 hours 4 minutes 25 seconds (uncrewed, 4x finisher)
  12. Bo Millwood – 6 days 10 hours 11 minutes 20 seconds (uncrewed)
  13. Karen Jackson – 6 days 10 hours 11 minutes 40 seconds (uncrewed)
  14. Rick Gray – 6 days 11 hours 10 minutes 8 seconds
  15. Lisa Hazlett – 6 days 11 hours 22 minutes 27 seconds
  16. David Lettieri – 6 days 15 hours 43 minutes 46 seconds (uncrewed)
  17. Michael Callans – 6 days 17 hours 17 minutes 5 seconds (uncrewed)
  18. Thomas Alm – 6 days 17 hours 29 minutes 9 seconds
  19. Timothy Daily – 6 days 17 hours 29 minutes 39 seconds
  20. Edward Masuoka – 6 days 20 hours 3 minutes 9 seconds (uncrewed)
  21. Ben Herron – 6 days 21 hours 5 minutes 29 seconds (uncrewed)
  22. Tim Purol – 6 days 21 hours 47 minutes 8 seconds (uncrewed)
  23. Jeffrey Stephens – 6 days 22 hours 20 minutes 44 seconds (uncrewed)
  24. Tom Dekornfield – 6 days 23 hours 4 minutes 42 seconds (uncrewed)
  25. Scott Krouse – 7 days 3 hours 32 minutes 27 seconds (uncrewed)
  26. Gina Fioroni – 7 days 7 hours 2 minutes 59 seconds (uncrewed)
  27. Thomas Skinner – 7 days 8 hours 15 minutes 34 seconds (uncrewed)
  28. Caleb Nolen – 7 days 9 hours 48 minutes 10 seconds (uncrewed)
  29. Shelly Mack – 7 days 10 hours 32 minutes 13 seconds
  30. Allen Wrinkle – 7 days 12 hours 0 minutes 2 seconds (uncrewed)
  31. John Sharp – 7 days 12 hours 0 minutes 18 seconds (uncrewed)
  32. Sherry Meador – 310 miles
  33. Sergio Bianchini – 303 miles
  34. Christian McMahon – 301 miles
  35. Ally Gregory – 301 miles
  36. Joshua Swink – 299 miles
  37. Christopher Knight – 297 miles
  38. Shane Tucker – 294 miles
  39. Gregg Ellis – 290 miles
  40. Richard McKnight – 283 miles
  41. Dallas Smith – 282 miles
  42. Don Winkley – 280 miles
  43. Johnny Adams – 274 miles
  44. John Price – 274 miles
  45. Fred Davis III – NU
  46. Lynda Webber – 265 miles
  47. Jameelah Abdul-Rahim – 263 miles
  48. Gilbert Gray – 263 miles
  49. Tim Loudermilk – 254 miles
  50. Joseph Kowalski – 254 miles
  51. Garry Price – 253 miles
  52. Troy Johnson – 251 miles
  53. Cathie Johnson – 251 miles
  54. Paul Heckert – 250 miles
  55. Remy Brandefalk – 249 miles
  56. Terrie Wurzbacher – 240 miles
  57. Jay Hamilton – 235 miles
  58. Diane Taylor – 235 miles
  59. Ben Pennington – 235 miles
  60. Bill Haecker – 233 miles

DID NOT FINISH (20): Richard Westbook 257 miles, Sandy Geisel 189 miles, Francesca Muccini 188 miles, Jeff McGonnell 165 miles, Nathan Dewall 145 miles, Johnny Adams 145 miles, Joe Ninke 145 miles, Mike Delang mile 135, Curt Chambers mile 130, Dale Rucker mile 125, Marcia Rasmussen mile 125, Ronald Trignano 109 miles, Sue Scholl mile 107, John Rasmussen mile 92, Ann Kerkman 83 miles, Troy Varney 83 miles, Brian Pickett mile 78, Betty Holder 56 miles, Michael Melton mile 54, Amanda McMahon mile 45, Larry Phillips mile 39

*bold = Run It Fast Club members

Vol State 500K Rich McKnight Monteagle Frustrations - Run It Fast

“If you wanna know what it’s like being homeless then run Vol State 500k. For the past 7 days and over 270 miles I’ve smelled, acted and seemed to be homeless to others. All I wanna do is wash my hands and sit at a table and eat. Many many times I’ve been unable to do that some by choice and some not. I’m tired, smelly, cranky and emotional right now. All I wanna do is touch that *ucking Rock so I can go back to being normal. I’m not joking.” – Rich McKnight

Don Winkley was spotted on Monteagle with his shorts pinned around his balls.

Vol State 500K Don Winkley 2015 Tracy City - Run It Fast

Former King Don requested that his photo be from the waist up!!!!!!

“295 miles. 19 miles left. I’m wiped out. Been going since 6:45am. I’m gonna keep going though and attempt it. ‪#‎GetToTheDamnRock‬” – Gregg Ellis

Vol State 500K Splits


Day-by-Day Vol State 5ooK Recaps

Vintage Vol State 500K Race Reports

Historical Vol State 500K Results

– Run It Fast®



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This post was written by:

- who has written 1138 posts on Run It Fast®.

Joshua Holmes has completed 325 marathons/ultramarathons while running 100+ miles 62 including races such as the Badwater 135 (9x), Western States 100, The Last Annual Vol State 500K (4x). He is the founder of Run It Fast, the most driven club on the planet. His favorite races to date are the Vol State 500K, Badwater 135, Barkley Fall Classic, Catalina Eco Marathon, Chimera 100, Across The Years, Savage Gulf Trail Marathon, Strolling Jim 40 Miler, Tunnel Hill 100, RUTS, EC100 and the Flying Monkey Marathon in his home state of Tennessee. Follow @bayou Follow @joshuaholmes on Instagram

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