Tag Archive | "ian sharman"

Rob Krar – Leadville Trail 100 Run Winner – Run It Fast

Rob Krar Wins the 2014 Leadville 100 (Results)

Rob Krar, of Flagstaff, Arizona, won the 2014 Leadville Trail 100 Run tonight with a time of 16:09:02. It extends an amazing 2014 for Krar who won the prestigious Western States 100 Miler in late June.

Krar posted the following message on his Facebook page:

I was humbled by the ‪#‎LT100‬ course today. It was without a doubt the most challenging effort of my life, emotionally and physically. I’m so damn inspired by each and everyone out there, competitors, crew, pacers and volunteers, it’s a journey for all. Thank-you to so many for your love, support and encouragement—as the saying goes, it means more than you know. Final HUGE thank-you to my incredible crew Alicia Shay, @dougtumminello and Michael Smith, you guys rock!

Second place went to Michael Aish, of Arvada, Colorado, in 16:38:35. Aish led the race for a portion early on.

Defending champ, Ian Sharman, finished in third place in 16:41:38 just minutes behind Aish. Fourth place went to Zeke Tiernan in 17:35:13.

Top 20 Leadville Trail 100 Run Finishers

  1. Rob Krar – 16:09:02
  2. Michael Aish – 16:38:35
  3. Ian Sharman – 16:41:38
  4. Zeke Tiernan – 17:35:13
  5. Dave Mackey – 19:10:44
  6. Lars Kjerengtroen – 19:19:40
  7. Richard Airey – 19:27:15
  8. Emma Rocca – 19:38:04 (1st Female)
  9. Craig Howie – 19:43:31
  10. Liza Howard – 20:01:13 (2nd Female)
  11. John Wros – 20:17:47
  12. Bob Africa – 20:25:10
  13. Duncan Callahan – 20:27:19
  14. Daniel Verdi – 20:30:24
  15. Matthew Curtis – 20:38:37
  16. Michael Ambrose – 20:41:16
  17. Chuck Radford – 20:46:32
  18. Bob Sweeney – 20:51:11
  19. Marvin Sandoval – 21:20:00
  20. Fernando Gonzalez Diaz – 21:40:37

Other wins by Krar include UROC 100K, Leona Divide 50 Miler, Moab’s Red Hot 50K (2013), McDowell Mountain Frenzy 50K, Jemez Mountain, and Moab’s Red Hot 33K (2012)

Spain’s Emma Roca was the 2014 Leadville Trail 100 Run winner in 19:38:04. Second place female went to Liza Howard, who led for most of the race, with a finishing time of 20:01:13.

[photo: Rob Krar Facebook]

Posted in Results, Ultra MarathonComments (0)

Ian Sharman Leadville Trail 100 Run Finish Line – Run It Fast

Ian Sharman’s Winning Leadville Trail 100 Run Race Report

Ian Sharman won the Leadville Trail 100 Run (FULL RESULTS) on Saturday evening in 16:30:04, the fourth fastest time in the event’s history.  He was even faster in writing his Leadville race report as it was posted bright and early this morning.

Sharman stated that his body wouldn’t let him sleep so he got to writing. We are the beneficiaries of his sleepless night as he delivered a to the point race report full of his thoughts at different points of the race.

Here are a couple of excerpts from his Leadville Report:

How He Attacked Hope Pass as a Flat Lander: “I decided fairly early on that since I live at sea level and the race is almost all above 10,000ft I’d need to keep my perceived effort down to make my legs and energy reserves last the whole way. Plus I’d already run the other 100 milers recently so wanted to be conservative due to that too. So I hiked every step of Hope Pass both directions but I practice that a lot since I’m not a strong uphill runner and it seemed to work well since I got into second by the top (12,600ft) on the way out, although Nick and Ryan were just behind. Ryan dropped at this point with back problems after looking so strong through the first half.”

His Lowest Point: “Things kept going well through to the Outward Bound aid station at mile 76 and my crew and pacers, Meredith Terranova and Sean Meissner were looking after me well. Hiking up Powerline in the next few miles I still felt fairly good but by about mile 82 things turned and I felt delerious. On the downhill trail into Mayqueen (86.5 miles) I was dizzy and almost tripping over every rock. Nick managed to close on me during this section although I had no idea. Then after Mayqueen a toilet stop seemed to bring me back to life and I was able to cruise along the rolling lake single track.”

Click over to Ian’s website (HERE) to read his complete Leadville Trail 100 Run Race Report.

[image: iRunFar]

Posted in Race Reports, Running, Ultra MarathonComments (0)

Ian Sharman Wins 2013 Leadville Trail 100 Run (Results)

Ian Sharman Wins 2013 Leadville Trail 100 Run (Results)

Ian Sharman was terrific on Saturday in Colorado and won the 2013 Leadville Trail 100 Run with a winning time of 16:30:04 which is the 4th fastest in race history according to iRunFar.

[Read Ian Sharman’s Winning Leadville 100 Trail Run Race Report]

Sharman finished over 45 minutes ahead of second place finisher Nick Clark who finished with a time of 17:06:29.

After Ian and Nick there was a rather large gap before Michael Aish, who led a large portion of the race early on, finished in 18:27:59.

The rest of the top 10 for the men was rounded out with Kyle Pietari (4th), Andrew Catalano (5th), Timo Meyer (6th), Eric Sullivan (7th), Scott Jurek (8th), Bob Africa (9th), and Javier Montero (10th).

Leadville Trail 100 Top 10 Men for 2013

  1. Ian Sharman – 16:30:04
  2. Nick Clark – 17:06:29
  3. Michael Aish – 18:27:59
  4. Kyle Pietari – 18:37:22
  5. Andrew Catalano – 18:43:26
  6. Timo Meyer – 19:04:20
  7. Eric Sullivan – 19:17:34
  8. Scott Jurek – 19:21:55
  9. Bob Africa – 19:38:42
  10. Javier Montero – 19:45:46

Ashley Arnold was the female winner of the 2013 Leadville Trail 100 Run with a winning time of 20:25:43.

Arnolds winning margin was 2 hrs 17 min over second place finisher Shaheen Sattar who finished in 22:42:42. Closely behind Sattar was Keila Merino in 22:47:36.

The remaining Top 10 Women were Katrin Silva (4th), Rebecca Hall (5th), Kara Henry (6th), Abby Penamonte (7th), Maddy Hribar (8th), Nicole Studer (9th), and Margaret Nelsen (10th).

Leadville Trail 100 Top 10 Women for 2013

  1. Ashley Arnold – 20:25:43
  2. Shaheen Sattar – 22:42:42
  3. Keila Merino – 22:47:36
  4. Katrin Silva – 23:16:25
  5. Rebecca Hall – 23:43:13
  6. Kara Henry – 23:50:20
  7. Abby Penamonte – 24:06:20
  8. Maddy Hribar – 24:24:20
  9. Nicole Studer – 24:25:43
  10. Margaret Nelsen – 24:37:45

Congrats to all of these runners, all of the LT100 finishers, and to all of the LT100 starters.

Full Leadville Trail 100 Run Race Results

[image: iRunFar]

Posted in Results, Ultra MarathonComments (0)

Timothy Olson Wins 2013 Western States 100

Timothy Olson Wins 2013 Western States 100 (Results)

Timothy Olson held off Rob Krar and Mike Morton to win the 2013 Western States 100 Mile Endurance Race on Saturday night in California.

Olson finished the historic 100, the Boston Marathon of 100’s, in 15:17:27.

It was a repeat win for Olson who won the race last year as well.

Rob Krar finished in second place in 15:22:05 and Mike Morton, who is the defending Badwater 135 champion, finished in third place in 15:45:21

The top overall female was Pam Smith who finished 9th overall with a time of 18:37:21. Roughly 44 minutes ahead of second place female finisher, Nikki Kimball in 19:21:43. Third place female went to Amy Sproston in 19:25:11

Western States Sub-20 Hour Finishers – 2013

  1. Timothy Olson – 15:17:27
  2. Rob Krar – 15:22:05
  3. Mike Morton – 15:45:21
  4. Ian Sharman – 16:20:25
  5. Dylan Bowman – 16:32:18
  6. Nick Clark – 16:56:23
  7. Jesse Haynes – 17:44:36
  8. Paul Terranova – 17:56:29
  9. Pam Smith – 18:37:21 (Female)
  10. Yassine Diboun – 18:44:02
  11. Karl Meltzer – 18:51:55
  12. Scott Wolfe – 18:55:51
  13. Brandon Stapanowich – 19:10:52
  14. Nikki Kimball – 19:21:43 (Female)
  15. Adrian Lazar Adler – 19:24:44
  16. Amy Sproston – 19:25:11 (Female)
  17. Andy Jones-Wilkins – 19:25:47
  18. Meghan Arbogast – 19:30:50 (Female)
  19. Brian Miller – 19:36:33
  20. Dan Barger – 19:43:28
  21. Erik Skaden – 19:49:15
  22. Rory Bosio – 19:52:09 (Female)

Congrats to all who ran and finished Western States. It’s an amazing and historic race that is tough to get into and just as tough to finish.

Photo via and for amazing ultramarathon coverage @IrunFar

Posted in Results, Ultra MarathonComments (0)

Run It Fast – runitfast on Instagram

20 Runners You Should Be Following on INSTAGRAM

Here is a compilation of twenty very different and diverse runners that you should be following on Instagram. They are runners of all levels from all over the world. They all have very lively Instagram feeds and are worth a follow.

If you have someone you believe we should have included then drop a comment below with your suggestion and we’ll check them out.

1. Steve Clemons (@vo2_max)

Trail runner and adventurer living in paradise (Hawaii) and sharing his world and his travels with his family through envy inducing photos.

2. Melissa Middleton (@melissamiddleton)

Talented ultramarathoner who always has her iPhone in it’s holster and ready to capture that perfect nature shot during one of her intense ultramarathons.

3. Joshua Holmes (@joshuaholmes)

Extreme ultrarunner and founder of Runitfast.com that Instagrams frequent photos of his training, racing, children, friends, travels and interesting people he meets from across the globe.

4. Catra Corbett (@dirtdiva33)

Hot body, extreme-inked runner whose Instragrams are as fun and colorful as her skin and adventures.

5. Scott Jurek (@scottjurek)

One of the greatest ultramarathons of all-time. He uploads beautiful photos of his mountain runs and food, but Scott doesn’t Instragram all that much. Just 106 photos in the past 56 weeks.

6. Ashley Ringo Walsh (@ashruns100s)

Many beautiful photos of the unique and scenic places that Ashley runs in the deep South. She Instragrams a lot and rarely disappoints with her steady stream of uploads.

7. Carlos Henrique Silva (@carlossilva07)

International runner from San Paulo, Brazil. His photos show a lot of life, fun, run, and beautiful sights from his native Brazil.

8. Cecilia Santos (@ceci_run)

Inked Puerto Rican ultramarathoner from North Georgia that runs challenging races, lives a diverse life, and has the coolest ‘ULTRA’ tattoo on the planet.

9. Andy Baldwin (@drandybaldwin)

Dr. Andy from ‘The Bachelor’ fame shows he’s not just a pretty face but very serious about charity, health, being fit, and endurance sports in his Instagram photos.

10. Norma Bastidas (@ultrarunwild)

Accomplished ultramarathoner who posts tons of inspirational message-grams mixed with some training and race photos.

11. Gary Robbins (@garyrobbins)

Canadian ultramarathoner who is a multiple winner of the extremely tough HURT 100 ultramarathon in Honolulu. Beautiful photos from snow-capped mountains to tropical beaches can be found in his feed.

12. Leigh Marsh (@msprincessleigh)

Disney princess masquerading as a runner. Leigh’s photos are fun and filled with lots of bling and tiaras. Guaranteed to make you smile when you see how happy she is running.

13. Ian Sharman (@sharmanian)

Super speedy (sometimes costumed) marathoner and ultra runner sharing fun pics of running, costumes, travels, his pups, and beer & food.

14. Lisa Gonzales (@runlikeacoyote)

RIF #5 and regular contributor to Run It Fast who races often and posts amazing photos from all over Southern California. Easily the most skilled photographer on this list.

15. Josh Cox (@josh_cox)

An elite marathoner with an eclectic mix of Instagrams that are all over the map with no real pattern or recognizable rhythm, but that will suck you in and have you hitting that like/heart button on the next one of his that pops up.

16. Pavement Runner (@pavementrunner)

Bay Area runner sharing sights, music, and motivations as he runs this year (2013 miles in 2013) in and around San Francisco, CA.

17. Naresh Kumar (@iamarunr)

A combination of the adventure of Indiana Jones, mixed with the heart of Gandhi, combined with the daring antics of Evil Knievel and his Instragrams reflect just that.

18. Colin Cooley (@runwicked)

Wicked SoCal boy with a lot of sun, surf, run, and fun pics.

19. XPlantRunner (@xplantrunner)

Runner with a heart transplant who is using his second chance to do a little trail running and share his adventures on the trails around England’s Lake District.

20. Krissy Moehl (@krissymoehl)

Ultra runner and race director who shares lots of trail and race pics that make you want to sign up for a race immediately!

You can follow Run It Fast on Instagram @RunItFast to see photos of runners we admire, Run It Fast-Club members, and repost of the best running photos we come across.

We also feature other runners on Instagram on our feed, who tag their running photos with the hash tag #runitfast, to help us find their photos.

Posted in Half Marathon, Marathon, Running, Ultra MarathonComments (8)

Vikena Yutz – Across The Years – 2012 – Run It Fast

Joe Fejes Blazes 329 Miles During Across the Years 72 Hour (Results)

Georgia native Joe Fejes, who has had an amazing year of races, concluded 2012 with the best performance ever in the 23-year history of the Across The Years 72-Hour race.  The race takes place in Phoenix, Arizona and as the title hints at it starts in 2012 and finishes early in 2013.

Fejes won the event in setting the all-time course record by putting down 329.64 miles during the 72-hour event.  Last year he ran 280.30 during ATY.  It was only the third time that a runner had surpassed the 300 mile mark during the event.

Second place finisher, Eoin Keith, also surpassed the 300 mark become the fourth runner ever to do so with a total of 300.24 miles.

Third place went to (RIF #121) Ed ‘The Jester” Ettinghausen with 263.4 miles.

First place female went to Vikena Yutz, who set an all-time record for the women, with 254.05 miles. She shattered the previous mark by 4 miles.

Second place female went to Charlotte Vasarhelyi with 250.9 miles. Third place female went to Jennifer Bradley with 204.71 miles.

2012 Across The Years 72-Hour Results

  1. Joe Fejes – 329.64 miles
  2. Eoin Keith – 300.24 miles
  3. Ed Ettinghausen – 263.4 miles
  4. Vikena Yutz – 254.05 miles (F)
  5. Charlotte Yasarhelyi – 250.9 miles (F)
  6. George Biondic – 247.75 miles
  7. Anthony Culpepper – 216.26 miles
  8. Shashanka Karlen – 207.86 miles
  9. Jennifer Bradley – 204.71 miles (F)
  10. Mark Dorian – 201.56 miles
  11. Ryan Weidert – 200.51 miles
  12. Ed Compton – 200.51 miles
  13. Phil Nimmo – 200.51 miles

The Across The Years 48-Hour race was won by Volodymyr Balatskyy with 207.86 miles. Second place male went to John Geesler with 167.97 miles and third to Davy Crockett with 135.43 miles.

Top female for the ATY 48-Hour was Shawna Wentlandt with 137.52 miles. Second place female was Jill Hudson with 131.23 miles. Third place female with to Tammy Massie with 129.13 miles.

2012 Across The Years 48-Hour Results

  1. Volodymyr Balatskyy – 207.86 miles
  2. John Geesler 167.97 miles
  3. Shawna Wentlandt – 137.52 miles (F)
  4. Davy Crockett – 135.43 miles
  5. Jill Hudson 131.23 miles (F)
  6. Tammy Massie 129.13 miles (F)
  7. Josh Irvan – 125.98 miles
  8. Michael Miller – 115.48 miles
  9. Susan Kokesh – 110.23 miles (F)
  10. Fran Mason – 108.13 miles (F)

The great Ian Sharman won the Across The Years 24-Hour race with 109.18 miles. Second place went to Jesse Sjoberg with 106.03. Third place male was Brian Recore with 102.88 miles.

The ATY 24-Hour female winner was Debbie Leftwich with 106.03 miles. Susan Kramer came in second place with 101.83 miles.  Third place went to June Gessner with 100.78 miles.

2012 Across The Years 24-Hour Results

  1. Ian Sharman – 109.18 miles
  2. Jesse Sjoberg – 106.03 miles
  3. Debbie Leftwich – 106.03 miles (F)
  4. Brian Recore – 102.88 miles
  5. Robert Crockett – 102.88 miles
  6. Matthew Watts – 102.88 miles
  7. John Manross – 101.83 miles
  8. Susan Kramer 101.83 miles (F)
  9. Mitchell Chan – 101.83 miles
  10. Paul Grimm – 101.83 miles
  11. Chris Fall – 100.78 miles
  12. Joshua Holmes – 100.78 miles
  13. Jim Tello – 100.78 miles
  14. Jeff Blevins – 100.78 miles
  15. June Gessner – 100.78 miles (F)
  16. Michael Arnstein – 100.78 miles
  17. Alan Barnes – 100.78 miles
  18. Jo-Anne Hass – 100.78 miles (F)

Congrats to all of the runners who put down miles at Across The Years!

Posted in Results, Timed Races, Ultra MarathonComments (0)

Ian Sharman Spider Man Costume Napa Valley Marathon

Ian Sharman Sets Guinness Record Running Marathon in Spider-Man Costume

ELITE runner Ian Sharman set a Guinness World Record Sunday by running the 33rd Napa Valley Marathon in a Spider-Man costume.

It is the the fastest marathon time every recorded in a superhero costume according to Sharman’s Facebook page.

Sharman stated as well on his Facebook page, “‎2:40 in the rain in Napa for a new pointless, but fun, Guinness World Record for fastest marathon dressed as a superhero. Won’t wear the Spidey costume again since I almost suffocated.”

Sharman set a U.S. record last month for the fastest 100 mile time when he ran a 12:44:33 at the Rocky Raccoon 100 Mile Trail Race (story).

Posted in Marathon, RunningComments (4)

Rocky Raccoon Ultra Marathon 100 Mile Race Logo

2011 Rocky Raccoon 100 Mile Trail Run Results

An elite field showed up in Huntsville, Texas this Saturday for the 2011 Rocky Raccoon 100 Mile Trail Race that included Scott Jurek, Anton Krupicka, Karl Meltzer, Liza Howard, Zach Gingerich and a young pup by the name of Ian Sharman, who not only won the race but set a course record by 32 minutes with a time of 12:44:33.

Liza Howard was the first female finisher with a blazing time of 15:33:09

Here is a look at the top finishers from 2011RR100:

1 12:44:33* Ian Sharman 30 CA
2 13:18:52 Anton Krupicka 27 CO
3 13:26:19 Hal Koerner 35 OR
4 14:27:20 Karl Meltzer 44 UT
5 15:33:09 Liza Howard F 39 TX
6 15:58:38 Brad Reed 27 MA
7 15:59:35 Paul Hopwood 47 HI
8 16:34:46 Michael Arnstein 34 NY
9 16:53:31 Mike Wolfe 33 MT
10 17:25:55 Luis Guerrero 47 Mexico
11 17:30:09 Michael Alfred 29 CA
12 17:34:49 James Brennan 32 VA
13 17:34:49 Harvey Lewis III 34 OH
14 17:37:15 Richard Kwiatkowski 45 VA
15 18:09:55 Ryan Loehding 38 TX
16 18:10:47 Peter Vrolijk 52 TX
17 18:26:05 Adam Wilcox 29 NH
18 18:35:09 Brad Birkel 32 MA
19 18:45:26 Mark Matyazic 46 CA
20 19:24:43 Mosi Smith 28 MD
21 19:30:04 Hiroki Ishikawa 35 Japan
22 19:33:51 Matt Zmolek 30 TX
23 19:49:00 David Boudreau 39 NH
24 19:49:14 Lorenzo Sanchez 33 TX
25 20:10:55 Scott Loughney 40 OR
26 20:36:42 Matthew Prineas 46 MD
27 20:39:49 Pat Malaviarachchi 36 TX
28 20:39:49 Jeffrey Urbanski 25 DC
29 20:40:49 Julio Cesar Angel Andrade 44 Mexico
30 20:43:51 Jeff Holdaway 52 VA
31 20:46:49 Matt Crownover 38 TX
32 20:59:40 David Murphy 38 MO
33 21:00:23 Mark McCaslin 41 MI
34 21:22:10 Davy Crockett 52 UT
35 21:24:23 Matthew Grund 34 GA
36 21:30:10 Danny Ponder 52 OK
37 21:30:24 Andrew Pena Jr 49 TX
38 21:31:58 Phil Nimmo 47 TX
39 21:40:24 C.B. Fralich 38 OR
40 21:49:34 Ted Philip 45 MA
41 21:53:21 Edward Daly 44 MS
42 21:53:27 Andrew Harding 50 MI
43 21:53:48 Michael Hettinger 36 TX
44 22:01:50 Jeff Woody 47 TN
45 22:04:05 Jeff Arms 35 AK
46 22:09:10 Raymond Churgovich 45 CO
47 22:23:02 Steve Corbin 48 TX
48 22:24:55 Mike Poland 44 CO
49 22:34:39 Brian Recore 35 CA
50 22:36:31 Brenda Carawan F 34 VA
51 22:37:06 Jim Philip 43 FL
52 22:50:25 Daniel Barnett 47 UT
53 22:56:32 Dan Jordan 53 TX
54 23:10:00 Austin Barbisch 42 TX
55 23:16:09 Terri Pfeil F 44 CO
56 23:18:34 Sam Landry 50 LA
57 23:27:50 Iain Hughes 47 OH
58 23:32:23 Brian Medley 36 CA
59 23:32:24 Lisa DeYoung F 43 NC
60 23:33:31 Justin Andrews 34 NC
61 23:33:38 Mark Klein 27 CA
62 23:33:38 Erik Hanley 29 TX
63 23:34:12 Ted Hering 34 MO
64 23:34:14 Julie Grant F 26 TX
65 23:34:52 Brittany Klimowicz F 25 NY
66 23:42:31 Robert Nunez 40 TX
67 23:42:41 Anabel Pearson F 40 TX
68 23:44:53 Claude Hicks Jr. 51 TX
69 23:45:27 Andy Ralph 44 TX
70 23:47:46 Brian Pilgrim 44 NM
71 23:48:00 Lane Gremillion 37 LA
72 23:51:40 Bill Ford 48 OK
73 23:51:40 Kathy Hoover F 50 OK
74 23:54:03 Glen Delman 45 CO
75 23:54:21 Matthew Watts 54 CO
76 23:55:04 Dave Dawson 44 CO
77 23:55:06 Bobby Keogh 61 NM
78 24:05:06 Julie Hagen F 42 CO
79 24:11:35 Johnny Adams 49 MO
80 24:41:19 David Green 47 FL
81 24:48:36 Stan Beutler 53 UT
82 24:51:52 Philip Wiley 49 CO
83 24:54:20 Ingrid Hillhouse F 38 TX
84 25:07:29 Kevin Radel 51 WI
85 25:10:12 Larisa Dannis F 23 NH
86 25:10:12 Robert Lalus 36 NH
87 25:10:33 Bronson Kelly 38 UT
88 25:13:52 Scott Olmer 39 CO
89 25:16:12 Suzie Spangler F 40 MD
90 25:27:43 Tom DeKornfeld 57 MD
91 25:28:45 John Powers 47 TX
92 25:30:57 John Wallin 50 UT
93 25:31:03 Brent Bell 53 UT
94 25:42:35 Daniel Welch 26 NV
95 25:43:16 Katie Oglesby F 39 CO
96 25:44:49 Barbara Gahbauer F 35 CO
97 25:51:09 Michael McKenna 40 IL
98 25:52:18 Justin Wilkins 31 TX
99 25:53:11 Andrew Readinger 27 TX
100 25:56:18 Federico Alberto Vasquez Mendez 45 Guatemala
101 25:56:22 German Collazos 52 TX
102 26:02:43 Leslie Jacobi F 29 IL
103 26:04:40 Karen Felicidario F 45 TX
104 26:07:51 Brett Blankner 37 TX
105 26:13:48 Elaine Stypula F 45 MI
106 26:14:23 Richard Reaves 40 TX
107 26:21:16 Andi Ramer F 37 CA
108 26:26:53 Woolery Back 33 GA
109 26:27:51 Harold Lance 53 TX
110 26:33:22 Deanna Doohaluk F 35 IL
111 26:34:14 Les Ellsworth 56 TX
112 26:37:28 Beth Simpson-Hall F 52 WI
113 26:37:31 Mike Smith 53 IN
114 26:37:31 Casey Lopez 34 WI
115 26:40:51 James Austin 60 MI
116 26:42:49 Gary Beaty 40 TX
117 26:42:50 Brian Hart 44 OH
118 26:43:50 Stephen Sweezey 25 AK
119 26:47:53 Mark Beals 48 IN
120 26:51:20 Joey Smith 32 MS
121 26:51:20 Nathan Tadlock 31 MS
122 26:54:49 Brenda Bland F 51 WI
123 27:07:31 Miguel Valdez 35 TX
124 27:14:41 Martin Schneekloth 39 AL
125 27:14:43 Richard Trice 39 AL
126 27:16:01 Carlos Reyes 55 Guatemala
127 27:20:08 Brent Schmitter 33 WI
128 27:27:22 Kimberly Pilcher F 47 TX
129 27:29:34 Elise Harrington F 55 CO
130 27:31:07 Donald Cleveland 34 LA
131 27:34:02 Randy Saxon 50 MS
132 27:34:03 Michael Yarbrough 36 MS
133 27:35:25 Devon Kiernan 37 TX
134 27:38:59 Roland Gomez 29 TX
135 27:39:41 Sophia Wharton F 40 KS
136 27:39:51 David Allen 52 TX
137 27:50:41 Christine Criscuolo F 35 TX
138 27:52:57 Butch Allmon 55 TX
139 27:52:58 Max Roycroft 47 TX
140 27:53:48 Dennis Drey 59 NM
141 27:55:11 Francisco Moreno 49 TX
142 27:55:16 Edie Riedel F 40 LA
143 27:57:38 William Murphy 37 IL
144 27:58:13 Scott Harper 40 TX
145 27:59:48 Rolly Portelance 68 Canada
146 28:00:41 Jim Kronjaeger 52 TX
147 28:02:37 Chris Baldwin 37 AR
148 28:02:43 Chris Estes 38 TN
149 28:08:29 Edwin Cook 55 IL
150 28:11:39 Gerard Martinez 25 TX
151 28:19:22 Michael Hodges 32 CO
152 28:21:55 Jan Soderkvist 51 Sweden
153 28:25:40 Ken Childress 51 OK
154 28:27:40 Andrew Edwards 39 AL
155 28:27:51 Dan Burstein 50 GA
156 28:28:07 Melinda Monyak F 24 PA
157 28:28:08 Mike Monyak 52 PA
158 28:36:56 Axel Reissnecker 57 TX
159 28:40:00 Laurie Senty F 51 MN
160 28:40:01 Julie Calkins F 29 CA
161 28:45:07 Pamela Chapman F 55 TX
162 28:47:57 Parvaneh Moayedi F 46 TX
163 28:48:43 Leonard Martin 57 TN
164 28:50:49 Jerry Fleming 61 TX
165 28:56:33 Josh Whiting 36 UT
166 28:59:26 Allan Holtz 60 MN
167 29:01:26 Jean-Jacques d’Aquin 71 CO
168 29:04:06 Sherry Meador F 45 OK
169 29:09:17 Holly Goodwin Chittenden F 52 WA
170 29:09:17 Francesca Carmichael F 51 WA
171 29:09:41 Robert Calabria 69 NC
172 29:11:05 Brian Briggs 45 TX
173 29:18:22 Mary Ntefidou F 40 TX
174 29:20:37 Travis Owens 46 OK
175 29:27:19 Kay Scott F 41 TX
176 29:30:22 Bob Becker 65 FL
177 29:39:03 Suzanne Yashewski F 36 TX
178 29:40:22 Randy Spears 50 TX
179 29:40:22 Jim Hill 40 TX
180 29:40:54 Tim Collins 48 KS
181 29:41:32 Mary Lou White F 55 CT
182 29:41:39 Dennis Wilson 53 NE
183 29:42:01 Emmett Rahl 39 CA
184 29:45:01 Alan Peterson 53 TX
185 29:47:02 Misty Schuster F 33 MN
186 29:47:02 Joshua Holmes 32 TN
187 29:48:36 Beiyi Zheng F 47 CA
188 29:48:37 Daniel Wilson 53 CO
189 29:50:33 Dalton Pulsipher 33 TX
190 29:55:32 Greg Bargo 28 TX

Elites Scott Jurek and Zach Gingerich dropped out and did not finish RR100.

Posted in Running, Ultra MarathonComments (3)

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