Run It Fast’s Race Across the USA wrapped up it’s first week on Sunday. Rev Run won the day again just falling short of 200 miles on the day. The surprise team of the weekend, Alfa’s Omegas, finished second on the day with 164.06 miles with strong contributions from everyone on the team. The Metcalvary was third on the day and in second place overall.
The high mile runner on the day was Rev’s Ed Ettinghausen with 42.41 miles.
The Top 5 Teams on Day 7
- Rev Run – 195.89
- Alfa’s Omegas – 164.06
- The Metcalvary – 160.91
- Trip 2 My Lou – 160.21
- The Beetroots – 145.86

Race Across the USA Overall Standings (daily total)
- Rev Run – 1,380.33 miles (195.89)
- The Metcalvary – 1,067.37 miles (160.91)
- Crowe Bars – 969.25 miles (135.67) +1
- Tuck ‘n Stroll – 960.80 miles (106.18) -1
- Trip 2 My Lou – 959.13 miles (160.21) +2
- Grapes of Rath – 947.91 (134.32)
- Mojo Rising – 932.75 miles (114.11) -2
- Alfa’s Omegas – 927.38 miles (164.06)
- Peers One – 826.09 miles (122.07)
- Kicking Glass – 796.24 miles (98.62)
- The Beetroots – 794.50 miles (145.86) +1
- Eli’s PR Ice – 757.21 miles (104.03) -1
New York City to Santa Monica Pier Distance: 2,907.00 Miles

Ed Barnette is the Race Across the USA’s Peak Performer of the day with 24.84 miles for Eli’s PR Ice. Ed did the most miles he has ever covered in one day in memory of David Clark, his good friend and running coach, who tragically died earlier this week from back surgery complications.
Top 10 Miles of the Day
- Ed Ettinghausen (REV) – 42.41
- Jen Metcalf (MET) – 34.00
- Ximena Kriete (TNS) – 32.12
- Steve Troxel (CB) – 31.08
- Chris Clemens (GOR) – 30.28
- Ryan Malecha (AO) – 30.12
- Steve Snyder (REV) – 29.30
- Marylou Corino (LOU) – 29.00
- Andy Glaze (MET) – 28.08
- Sherry Meador (REV) – 27.15
The Day’s Quick Team-by-Team Recaps
REV RUN- Day 7: 195.89 Miles (1st) – 1st overall
Ed Ettinghausen led Rev Run and the entire race in miles on Sunday with 42.41 miles. Ho-hum work for The Jester who has finished more 100 mile races than an ear of corn has kernels. He shows up every day and humbly does his massive amount of miles while encouraging his teammates just as relentlessly. He got a couple of big performances on Sunday from Steve Snyder with 29.30 miles and Sherry Meador with 27.15 miles.
The team is running away with this competition. They are currently on the Arkansas/Oklahoma border.
RR’s Top Performers of the Day
- Ed Ettinghausen – 42.41 miles
- Steve Snyder – 29.30 miles
- Sherry Meador – 27.15 miles
THE METCALVARY – Day 7: 160.91 Miles (3rd) – 2nd overall
Big hair, ‘Big Sexy,’ big inspiration Jen Metcalf led the way for her team today with 34.00 miles. She had her steady studs Andy Glaze 28.08 miles and Randy Broadway 23.02 miles help The Mets finish 3rd on the day and increase their 2nd place lead on the rest of the field. Brooke King nearly doubled her daily average on Sunday. Great work, Brooke.
MET’s Top Performers of the Day
- Jen Metcalf – 34.00 miles
- Andy Glaze – 28.08 miles
- Randy Broadway – 23.02 miles
CROWE BARS – Day 7: 135.67 Miles (6th) – 3rd overall
The Bars overall had a bit of a dip today, but it wasn’t the fault of Steve ’50K’ Troxel and his 31.08 miles. You also can’t fault Jimmy ‘Jam’ Girten who had by far his most impressive day of the race with 21.59 miles. The queen of Pinson Mounds, Marj Mitchell was magnificent with 21.46 miles.
CB’s Top Performers of the Day
- Steve Troxel – 31.08 miles
- Jimmy Girten – 21.59 miles
- Marj Mitchell – 21.46 miles
TUCK N’ STROLL – Day 7: 106.18 Miles (10th) – 4th overall
Tuck had a precipitous drop on Sunday after a massive Saturday. Ximena Kriete was brilliant again with 32.12 miles as was Henriett Blodgett with 18.00 Beyond those two, the team was just flat today.
TNS’s Top Performers of the Day.
- Ximena Kriete – 32.12 miles
- Henriett Blodgett – 18.00 miles
- Rene Fosdal-Griffin – 13.12 miles
TRIP 2 MY LOU – Day 7: 160.21 Miles (4th) – 5th overall
Team captain Marylou Corino has different teammates who step every day to assist her, but she is the steady constant who delivers massive miles every day. It’s rubbed off on her team as they continue to make strides towards the top of the leader-board. Mare’s 29.00 miles were followed by Amy Cummings with 21.54, and Laura Eriks with 18.00.
LOU’S Top Performers of the Day
- Marylou Corino – 29.00 miles
- Amy Cummings – 21.54 miles
- Laura Eriks – 18.00 miles
GRAPES OF RATH – Day 7: 134.32 Miles (7th) – 6th overall
Team Captain Scott Kufferath continues to do a great job guiding, perhaps the most apt-named team in the race, on this cross country ride. Today his big miles came from Chris Clemens with 30.28, Elva Matamoros 22.25, and Tom Orr 20.22. It’s all about the miles.
GOR’s Top Performers of the Day
- Chris Clemens – 30.28 miles
- Elva Matamoros – 22.25 miles
- Tom Orr – 20.22 miles
MOJO RISING- Day 7: 114.11 Miles (9th) – 7th overall
A rough weekend for Mojo. They dropped two more spots in the standings with their 9th place finish on the day. They were led once again by Lindsay Phenix with 23.13 miles. JR Reynolds had several jaunts totaling 18.37 miles. Mojo is really looking forward to Monday.
MR’s Top Performers of the Day
- Lindsay Phenix – 23.13 miles
- Joshua Holmes – 20.00 miles
- JR Reynolds – 18.37 miles
ALFA’S OMEGAS – Day 7: 164.06 Miles (2nd) – 8th overall
The Alfa’s had the best overall weekend with a 4th and 2nd place finish after spending part of opening week in last place. They got a grandiose performance of 30.12 miles today from Ryan Malecha. Allison Barcelona and Kelly Paul combined to add 43.79 miles.
AO’s Top Performers of the Day
- Ryan Malecha – 30.12 miles
- Allison Barcelona- 23.10 miles
- Kelly Paul – 20.69 miles
PEERS ONE- Day 7: 122.07 Miles (8th) – 9th overall
Peers is starting to get strong contributions from most of it’s members every day now. Thomas Fowler has been special the first seven days with a total of 200.11 miles, today he had 23.66 of those. Sofie Romero had 17.49 today and 89.08 for the week. Team captain Rich Peers added 15.15 today after 31.17 yesterday.
PR’s Top Performers of the Day
- Thomas Fowler – 23.66 miles
- Sofie Romero – 17.49 miles
- Rich Peers – 15.15 miles
KICKING GLASS – Day 7: 98.62 Miles (12th) – 10th overall
Never a real bad day in this race, just some days you get to soak in God’s creation a bit more on the road, and what better day than a Sunday stroll through Tennessee. No big miles for anyone today, but Yvette Campos led the team for the second day in a row with 13.17 miles, following 31.13 yesterday. Megan Maiser added 11.54, and Stacy King hit double digits with 11.
The team is nearing Cookeville, Tennessee, home of the legendary Dallas Smith.
KG’s Top Performers of the Day
- Yvette Campos – 13.17 miles
- Megan Maiser – 11.54 miles
- Stacy King- 11.00 miles
THE BEETROOTS – Day 7: 145.86 Miles (5th) – 11th overall
The Opossums, when no one was looking today, were hightailing down Tennessee black asphalt for a big 5th place day with 145.86 miles. Lori Robinson had her biggest miles of the race with 20.34. Carrie O’Bryan added 18.93 miles, and Sue Stephens-Wright had her largest mileage day with 15.99. Momentum, momentum! Hopefully, they won’t roll over tomorrow.
BR’s Top Performers of the Day
- Lori Robinson- 20.34 miles
- Carrie O’Bryan – 18.93 miles
- Sue Stephens-Wright – 15.99 miles
ELI’S P.R. ICE – Day 7: 104.03 Miles (11th) – 12th overall
We Are Superman! Ed Barnette lost his good friend and running coach, David Clark, in an unexpected death earlier this week. Ed went out today and ran 22-miles in his memory. He added a couple more miles to total 24.84 miles on the day. I believe it’s Ed’s most miles he’s ever had in a day. An impressive feat, but more importantly, an impressive dedication to Dave. Dave is missed by many.
Team captain Melissa Price ran 25.51 miles. Francesca Muccini, dialed it back a bit, but still finished with 21.13.
ELI’S Top Performers of the Day
- Melissa Price – 25.51 miles
- Ed Barnette – 24.84 miles
- Francesca Muccini – 21.13 miles
Daily Updates and Standing Archive
- Day 7: Run It Fast’ Race Across the USA – We Are Superman
- Day 6: Run It Fast’s Race Across the USA – Mad Miles
- Day 5: Run It Fast’s Race Across the USA – Metcalvary Rising
- Day 4: Run It Fast’s Race Across the USA – Whip It
- Day 3: Run It Fast’s Race Across the USA – The Story of Lazarus Beetroots
- Day 2: Run It Fast’s Race Across the USA – Knight Rider Speeds Off
- Day 1: Run It Fast’s Race Across the USA – Rev Run Takes Lead Out of NYC