The Beetroots went from worst to first on Day 3 of Run It Fast’s Race Across the USA. The team flipped the table with a race leading 176.51 miles for Wednesday after an abysmal, last place total of 67.55 the day before. The big day helped them jump from 12th place to 9th overall.
The top 3 teams remain in tact, but the nine below them have been reshuffled. The overall race miles for the league increased for the third consecutive day.
The Top 5 Teams on Day 3
- The Beetroots – 176.51
- Rev Run – 175.53
- The Metcalvary – 167.40
- Mojo Rising – 164.08
- Trip 2 My Lou – 137.42

Race Across the USA Overall Standings (daily total)
- Rev Run – 557.19 miles (175.53)
- Mojo Rising – 459.97 miles (164.08)
- The Metcalvary – 440.24 miles (167.40)
- Trip 2 My Lou – 388.98 miles (137.42) +2
- Crowe Bars – 387.69 miles (121.96) -1
- Grapes of Rath – 373.80 miles (135.05) +1
- Kicking Glass – 368.41 miles (121.93) -2
- Tuck ‘n Stroll – 351.77 miles (135.22) +1
- The Beetroots – 346.01 miles (176.51) +3
- Alfa’s Omegas – 332.30 miles (111.21) -2
- Peers One – 318.10 miles (107.47)
- Eli’s PR Ice – 313.87 miles (112.89) -1
New York City to Santa Monica Pier Distance: 2,907.00 Miles

Marylou Corino is the Race Across the USA Peak Performer of the day with a smooth 40.00 miles for Trip 2 My Lou.
Top 10 Miles of the Day
- Marylou Corino (LOU) – 40.00
- Lisa Devona (REV) – 38.21
- Ximena Kriete (TNS) – 32.13
- Thomas Fowler (ONE) – 32.12
- JR Reynolds (MR) – 31.12
- Steve Troxel (CB) – 31.12
- Francesca Muccini (ELI) – 30.13
- Chris Clemens (GOR) – 30.04
- Carrie O’Bryan (BR) – 29.56
- Lisa Van Wolde (KG) – 25.20
The Day’s Quick Team-by-Team Recaps
REV RUN- Day 3: 175.53 Miles (2nd) – 1st overall
Another superb day from Rev Run and just a mile below The Beetroots explosion. Rev was able to pad it’s lead over all the other teams in the competition. They were led once again by the great Lisa Devona with 38.21 miles. Team Captain David Pharr (24.11 miles) and Ed ‘The Jester’ Ettinghausen (24.35) really solidified the Rev’s for a third consecutive day.
The team had dinner at the Dip Dog Stand (website) in Marion, Virginia where Captain Pharr was able to procure a discount of 75% off if they’d in return bread and fry their own corndogs, along with posing for a team photo with owners. The team was in good spirits after the fair-like food and stories from their successful day on the road. Pharr was vocal in the captain’s meeting telling the other teams to stop by Dip Dog as well and to tell owner Pam Hall he sent them. He also added to be sure to sign DD’s guest book.
RR’s Top Performers of the Day
- Lisa Devona – 38.21 miles
- Ed Ettinghausen – 24.35
- David Pharr – 24.11
MOJO RISING- Day 3: 164.08 Miles (4th) – 2nd overall
After Kit Brazier’s 60% drop-off in production today compared to yesterday, Mojo held a team meeting to try to decide her fate on the team moving forward.
Seriously, she delivered once again with 24.49 miles and has 106.35 miles over the first three days of the race, more than any other runner.
Mojo was led today by a strong performance from JR Reynolds with 31.12 miles. Former college cross-country star Audrey Davis had her biggest day of the race with 24.82 miles.
MR’s Top Performers of the Day
- JR Reynolds – 31.12 miles
- Audrey Davis – 24.82 miles
- Kit Brazier – 24.49 miles
THE METCALVARY – Day 3: 167.40 Miles (3rd) – 3rd overall
The Met’s biggest strength so far seems to be it’s consistency and daily contributions from everyone on the team. They were led once again by Andy Glaze with 23.32 miles. Downtown Randy Broadway must have been wearing his UNC baby blue shorts, under his running shorts, as he recorded a smooth 23.00 miles. Erik Pascual doubled his mileage from yesterday with 22.21 miles.
The Mets are currently in Fincastle, Virginia getting a night of sleep at the Bethel Ridge Assisted Living Center where team captain Jen Metcalf had a connection from her work back home in the same industry. A security guard at the center did catch Randy Marks ‘sneaking’ chocolate milk out of the cafeteria refrigerator around 2am. (Jen’s connection isn’t that good, Randy).
MET’s Top Performers of the Day
- Andrew Glaze – 23.32 miles
- Randy Broadway – 23.00 miles
- Erik Pascual – 22.21 miles
TRIP 2 MY LOU – Day 3: 137.42 Miles (5th) – 4th overall
The Lou’s were led by captain Marylou Corino 40.00 miles (~ 178 kilometers). She had everyone show up for work today, and it was huge as it moved the team all the way up to 4th place from 6th.
Mare had help from the 17-club consisting of Laura Eriks (17.36 miles) and Christy Brewer (17.12). Jeremy Kluttz just missed initiation with 16.01.
After Mare’s team never surfaced above last place in our initial voyage across the states, she’s not used to the phenomena of teams being in front and behind her…but that’s the novelty she is currently trying to adjust to. She’s almost like an owl with this current swiveling neck action she’s unlocked.
LOU’S Top Performers of the Day
- Marylou Corino – 40.00 miles
- Laura Eriks – 17.36 miles
- Christy Brewer – 17.12 miles
CROWE BARS – Day 3: 121.96 Miles (8th) – 5th overall
The Crowe Bars dropped from 4th to 5th place after recording the 8th most miles on the day. They had a couple mates not run, and that fact with the midsection of this race being tighter than Billy Blank’s abs it made the difference.
Steve Troxel, whom captain Seth Crowe winds up and the start of the day and let’s wander down the highway, knocked out another 31+ mile day. Crowe added 20.76 miles and was joined by South African native Marj Mitchell with 20.19 miles.
CB is on Lou’s heels. Matthew McConaughey’s younger brother has pissed over objects further away than Lou’s team van currently sits from the CB’s.
CB’s Top Performers of the Day
- Steve Troxel – 31.12 miles
- Seth Crowe – 20.76 miles
- Marj Mitchell – 20.19 miles
GRAPES OF RATH – Day 3: 135.05 Miles (7th) – 6th overall
GOR lives by the four absolutes in life: Death, Taxes, Chris Clemens, and Tom Orr. Clemens did Clemens things with 30.04 miles. Orr made it look easy, as he has so many days over the past month with 21.26 miles. Lisamarie Griffin rounded out GOR’s top 3 with 19.04.
The Grapes are stationed at the Augusta Woods Manufactured Home Park. Now, I am just the balladeer, but how many people had Staunton, Virginia down in their pool for the most likely place in America for a trailer park to be so modernly and sensitively named a manufactured home park? It does make it a lot more difficult to call someone, “manufactured home park trash!”
GOR’s Top Performers of the Day
- Chris Clemens – 30.04 miles
- Tom Orr – 21.26 miles
- Lisamarie Griffin- 19.04 miles
KICKING GLASS – Day 3: 121.93 Miles (9th) – 7th overall
Yesterday would have been Malcolm X’s 95th birthday, but it was today that KG captain Tiffani Glass told David Pharr, “Enjoy your lead while it lasts because soon Chick-fil A chicken biscuits are going to be coming home to roost.”
Glass and Lisa Van Wolde combined for 50 miles, but the team as a whole had a down day as the miles simply weren’t there as a collective unit. Joan Lamayo-Buse added 15.07 miles.
KG’s Top Performers of the Day
- Lisa Van Wolde – 25.20 miles
- Tiffani Glass – 24.83 miles
- Joan Lamayo-Buse – 15.07 miles
TUCK N’ STROLL – Day 3: 135.22 Miles (6th) – 8th overall
TNS was once again Dyna-Kriete as Ximena Kriete ran 32.13 miles (87.29 over the last 3 days). Rend Fosdal-Griffin added 18.33 and Donna Bullington was solid with 18.04 miles.
The team is currently at Funky’s Skate Center in Harrisonburg, Virginia. They moved up a spot in the overall standings.
TNS’s Top Performers of the Day
- Ximena Kriete – 32.13 miles
- Rene Fosdal-Griffin – 18.33 miles
- Donna Bullington – 18.04 miles
THE BEETROOTS – Day 3: 176.51 Miles (1st) – 9th overall
The story of the day for sure belonged to The Beetroots as they bounced back from a horrific Day 2 to finish 1st place in miles for Day 3. They finished the day wit 176.51 miles. A total of 110 miles over yesterday’s output. They improved three spots in the overall standings.
Today they had several huge performances. The largest coming from Carrie O’Bryan with 29.56 miles. Badwater vet Amy Costa added 25.01 miles. Stewart ‘Lone Star’ Crouch added 25.00 as well.
Team captain Lance McDermott went over 20, too. Whatever he told his team after yesterday, he should bottle up and sell on QVC or TBN.
BR’s Top Performers of the Day
- Carrie O’Bryan – 29.56 miles
- Amy Costa – 25.01 miles
- Stewart Crouch – 25.00 miles
ALFA’S OMEGAS – Day 3: 111.21 Miles (11th) – 10th overall
The Alfa’s were a bit off today but still got 20.13 miles from captain Alfa Severino. Kelly Paul added 15.46 and Ryan Malecha donated a half marathon to the cause.
The team is currently in New Market, Virginia.
AO’s Top Performers of the Day
- Alfa Severino – 20.13 miles
- Kelly Paul – 15.46 miles
- Ryan Malecha – 13.11 miles
PEERS ONE- Day 3: 107.47 Miles (12th) – 11th overall
PO was more boy than box today, but Thomas Fowler still showed up, Danzig blasting, as he ran 32.12 miles. It’s the third consecutive day of 30+ miles for Thomas.
Team captain Rich Peers accumulated 16.30 miles. Diane ‘Song of the South’ Taylor clocked in with 12.07 miles. Wayne McComb made his presence known with 11.57 miles.
PR’s Top Performers of the Day
- Thomas Fowler – 32.12 miles
- Rich Peers – 16.30 miles
- Diane Taylor – 12.07 miles
ELI’S P.R. ICE – Day 3: 112.89 Miles (10th) – 12th overall
The Virginia heat and P.R. Ice didn’t get along today. Francesca Muccini led the team with 30.13 miles. Melissa Price (15.00) and Ed Barnette (12.54) made solid contributions as well. The team fell to 12th place, but the race standings are very fluid and will be changing day-to-day.
The team is currently in Woodstock, Virginia.
ELI’S Top Performers of the Day
- Francesca Muccini – 30.13 miles
- Melissa Price – 15.00 miles
- Ed Barnette – 12.54 miles
Daily Updates and Standing Archive
- Day 3: Run It Fast’s Race Across the USA – The Story of Lazarus Beetroots
- Day 2: Run It Fast’s Race Across the USA – Knight Rider Speeds Off
- Day 1: Run It Fast’s Race Across the USA – Rev Run Takes Lead Out of NYC