RIF #1 Joshua Holmes and RIF #101 David Wingard
I don’t know about you guys but I’m exhausted! Kidding! I had the easy part and it was fun watching the race unfold the past 9 days. Today is the last day of the 2013 Last Annual Vol State 500K. It’s been quite a ride! There are still 6 runners out there trying to make their way to the rock before the Grim Reaper gets there. I hope you’ll send them lots of luck and Run It Fast wishes today.
Make sure you check back throughout the day to see how things are going out there!
Links you might find fun/useful:
To catch up on previous days: Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7 Day8 Day9
Last Annual Volstate 500K Spreadsheet & Map – for runner tracking (updated twice a day).
Carl’s 2013 Last Annual Volstate 500K Album, Day 2 Drive Thru, and Day 3 Photos
RunItFast: @runitfast
Joshua Holmes: @bayou
Shannon Burke: @s4121burke
Dallas Smith: @smithbend
VS500: #VS500 or #VS500K
UltraJoshua – Facebook page for Joshua Holmes
Last Annual Vol State Road Race – Facebook page for VS500K
So far today:
Lisa: Well, that’s it for this year’s Last Annual Vol State 500K. We hope you enjoyed our coverage of the race…and maybe inspired you to give it a try next year! Congratulations to all 33 runners and 5 teams that completed this year’s VS500K! Way to Run It Fast!
Lisa: Holy cow! What a finish! Congratulations to Brian for completing the Last Annual Vol State 500K! I gotta say…I am relieved he made it under the cut off. I kept waking up when I heard an email come in and would look to see if there was any word. After 10 days and 314 miles, still so much excitement and drama…and that’s what is so great about this race!
Email from Carl Laniak at 6:54 am:
9:23:08:40 – Brian Curro
Email from Carl Laniak at 6:11 am:
Drama at Vol state
Message from Curro:
“Help, I am totally lost, have been wandering around this hill for hours.
I’m delirious, I was talking to trees last night.”There are now less than 90 minutes left. We think we ascertained his location and have directed him. If his description was accurate, he’s got 3 miles to go…..
Email from Carl Laniak at 5:14 am:
Brian Curro
If you read this, we suggest you drop that giant backpack and run.
Email from Carl Laniak at 5:10 am:
Vol state suspense
There are less than 2.5 hours til the 240 hour cutoff at the volstate.
Brian Curro last checked in nearing the Tennessee river crossing, 11 miles from the finish.
That was more than 6.5 hours ago…..
Word is, he lost his maps early yesterday. His last checkin included the tidbit that his phone was malfunctioning.
At 7:31 this morning, we’ll know whether he makes it or not.
Go Brian!
Lisa: Congratulations to Joe and RIF #276 Diane Taylor for finishing the VS500K! This was Diane’s 3rd finish of the Last Annual Vol State 500K. Just one runner left now…
Email from Carl Laniak at 2:32 am:
Diane Taylor – 9:18:44:23
Email from Carl Laniak at 10:43 pm:
9:15:08:12 – joe kowalski
Lisa: Here is John Feyveresi’s VS500K race report (it’s a great read!): Lakewood’s Wanderings and Scribbles
Lisa: So now there are just 3 runners left on the course! At 7 pm, this is where they were…
Joe Kowalski 306 miles
Diane Taylor 300 miles
Brian Curro 295 miles
Just 12 hours left! They should all be in by the time I wake up in the morning. I will update this post with their times.
Lisa: Mike added a race report tab where the links for this year’s race reports will be gathered. John Fegyveresi is the first to have his written up.
Email from Mike Dobies at 7:56 pm:
Vol State – 228 Hour Update
Tracking Sheet:
Email from Carl Laniak at 7:06 pm:
9:11:29:54 – Paul Heckert
Email from Carl Laniak at 6:16 pm:
Jan Walker – 9:10:11:42
Email from Carl Laniak at 5:30 pm:
Re: Who will finish?
Jan is in the woods. Paul is in Alabama.
Kowalski, Curro and Taylor to follow…?
Lisa: I missed Marcia’s finish. She reached the rock in 9 days 2 hours 26 min 29 sec. Congrats Marcia!
Lisa: Here’s a recap of the race so far…
- 5 relay Teams (2 w/men only and 3 mixed) and 40 runners (31 men & 9 women) started the 2013 Last Annual Vol State 500K.
- 32 runners were Screwed (un-crewed).
- All 5 teams finished along with 27 solo runners…so far.
- 7 runners dropped out.
Top 3 Men
1. Joe Fejes (with a new course record of 3 days 8 hours 10 min 16 sec)
2. Alan Abbss (with a new Screwed course record of 4 days 11 hours 31 min 27 sec)
3. Sung Ho Choi (4 days 13 hours 39 min 52 sec)
Top 3 Women
1. Sherry Meador (7 days 2 hours 42 min 52 sec)
2. Diane Bolton (7 days 14 hours 13 min 5 sec)
3. Psyche Wimberly (7 days 23 hours 14 min 59 sec)
Top 3 Teams
1. Team Stinky Feet (2 days 19 hours 14 min 17 sec)
2. Team Country Gentlemen (4 days 4 hours 5 min 46 sec)
3. Team Two Step (4 days 12 hours 29 min 12 sec)
Tweet from Dallas Smith about the VS500K menu…maybe:
Lisa: Final day! Marcia should be finished by now, I think, and all the rest should be able to finish if they keep putting one front in front of the other. Let’s hope they don’t run into wild weather or anything else to hold them up. Also, apparently, blogging while running is not suggested:
Tweet from Dallas with great advice for future VolStaters:
Email from Mike Dobies at 10:27 am:
Vol State – 216 Hour Update
Tracking Sheet:
Email from Laz at 9:15 am:
day 10
with 9 days in the bank
we settle in on the rock
to watch the final stories unfold.these are the ones who have fought the longest.
day after day, for 9 days,
they have watched oprah in their mirrors;
counting the miles,
measuring their reserves.
doing what it takes to achieve the impossible.now it all comes down to one final push.
some will coast home.
marcia and jan have proven worthy warriors;
gaining strength with each passing day,
burying oprah in the distance.
they will come home “easily” within the time limit,
and deserving of accolades given to athletes
who have achieved their potential.others will face,
in this final day,
all the pressure of the race,
knowing that one bad stretch without water,
one unleashed fury of nature
(a thunderstorm, blazing sun, or suffocating heat)
can erase the safety margin
and leave the reward for their long hard struggle
out of reach.and then there is giant back pack.
he has the added burden
of overcoming the time lost when he was detained by the police last night.and what is the reward for all they have endured?
to run the final mile in solitude,
thinking the thoughts
that only those who have come from the ferry to the rock can understand.
to find the finish line still open.
(pity those who see us driving away as they enter the beanfields)
to look out over the sequatchie/tennessee valley.
to feel the feelings that champions feel,
when a great opponent has been vanquished.
for these are champions,
vanquishing heat, hills, humidity, and their own human frailty.all hail king joseph,
and his worthy minions.laz
Email from Carl Laniak at 8:31 am:
Diane 275
Curro 279
Kowalski 282
Heckert 290
Jan 295
Marcia 309Carl