The inaugural Louisiana Marathon took place on January 15, 2012 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The race had a great turnout for a first year event and seemed to be extremely well put on.
Here is a look at the finisher’s medal from the Louisiana Marathon.
It’s rather simply, no fancy bells or whistles, but is well done with the footprint being composed of a cypress tree, the state tree of Louisiana, within it.
Matthew Manning won the inaugural Louisiana Marathon held Sunday morning in Baton Rouge, the state capital of Louisiana, with a winning time of 2:33:41.
Manning smoked the field, beating his nearest competitor, Chuck Engle, by nearly 11 minutes. Engle finished in 2:44:05 to barely hold off Christopher Reis who took third with a time of 2:45:38.
2012 Louisiana Marathon Results
Matthew Manning – 2:33:42
Chuck Engle – 2:44:05
Christopher Reis – 2:45:38
Matthew Urbanski – 2:51:55
Jacob Marsh – 2:53:20
Micah Mohler – 2:55:59
Karen Meraw – 2:58:54 (female)
Greg Soutiea – 2:59:13
Frank Livaudais – 3:00:01
Kevin Berger – 3:00:51
Karen Meraw was the fasest female marathoner down in ‘Red Stick’ on Sunday with a time of 2:58:54. She beat Candace Caveny by almost ten minutes. Caveny finished in 3:08:53. Third place female went to Grace Thacker with a time of 3:09:36.
The Bling Case had fewer submissions in December now that winter is upon us. A lot of the medals obviously had Christmas/Winter themes which was fun but there were quite a few “end of the world”/”last chance” submissions also. The world didn’t end so guess what? You get to vote! 🙂 We chose the 16 medals below for you to vote on in the last Best Race Medal monthly vote of 2012. The medal that receives the most votes for December 2012 will be included in the contest for the Best Race Medal of 2012.
The Bling Case had 48 medal submissions in November! Another great month for racing and once again it was difficult to narrow it down. We chose the 16 medals below because they are pretty cool and/or unique. You know the drill…the medal chosen as the Best Race Medal for November 2012 will be included in the contest for the Best Race Medal of 2012 at the end of the year.
You can still cast your vote for the best race medal in October for one more week here: October 2012 Best Medal Vote.
There were 60+ medals submitted to the Bling Case in October! What a month! I had no idea October would be such a popular race month. Let me tell you, it was hard to narrow it down. The best I could do was narrow it down to 25 medals. I chose them because they either were great representations of their race (like the Hershey Half Marathon Medal) or they had a unique shape (like the Yellowstone-Teton 100 Mile Buckle), or they were unique (like the Showdown Half Marathon Medal that let the participants choose the color of their medal), or they were just plain fun (the Halloween medals especially)! Good luck picking a favorite! I have no idea which one I’m going to vote for yet.
Anyway…the medal chosen as the Best Race Medal for October 2012 will be included in the contest for the Best Race Medal of 2012 at the end of the year. Oh, and the September Best Medal 2012 Vote is still going on so you have 2 more weeks to cast your vote for your favorite September medal if you haven’t done so already.
The Bling Case had a ton of submissions in September and a lot of them were very unique and pretty cool. Every month it gets harder and harder to narrow the selection down but we chose 16 medals for you to vote on for the Best Race Medal for September 2012. As I’m sure you know by now, the medal chosen as the Best Race Medal for September 2012 will be included in the contest for the Best Race Medal of 2012 at the end of the year.
The August Best Medal 2012 Vote is still going on and you have 1 more week to cast your vote for your favorite August medal if you haven’t done so already.
Some great medals were submitted to the Bling Case in August. It was hard to pick which ones to use for the August vote but we narrowed it down to 15 medals. As I’m sure you know by now, the medal chosen as the Best Race Medal for August 2012 will be included in the contest for the Best Race Medal of 2012 at the end of the year.
By the way, the July Best Medal 2012 Vote is still going on. You have 2 more weeks to cast your vote for your favorite July medal.
July was a slow month for race bling but we still got some great submissions. We’ve narrowed down the medal submissions to 16 medals for the July vote.
The medal chosen as the Best Race Medal for July 2012 will be included in the contest for the Best Race Medal of 2012 at the end of the year.
June was another month with some awesome race bling. We’ve narrowed down the medal submissions to 16 medals for the June vote. Not easy, but we did it. 😉 I already know which one I’m going to vote for!
The medal chosen as the Best Race Medal for June 2012 will be included in the contest for the Best Race Medal of 2012 at the end of the year.
By the way, the vote for the Best Race Medal – May 2012 is still open and you can go here to vote for one more week:
It’s time to vote for the best May 2012 race medal! May was another busy race month and we received a ton of submissions but we whittled it down to 15 for you to to choose from. I voted for my favorite already!
The medal chosen as the Best Race Medal for May 2012 will be included in the contest for the Best Race Medal of 2012 at the end of the year.