Tag Archive | "October"


VOTE: Best Race Medal – October 2012

There were 60+ medals submitted to the Bling Case in October! What a month! I had no idea October would be such a popular race month. Let me tell you, it was hard to narrow it down. The best I could do was narrow it down to 25 medals. I chose them because they either were great representations of their race (like the Hershey Half Marathon Medal) or they had a unique shape (like the Yellowstone-Teton 100 Mile Buckle), or they were unique (like the Showdown Half Marathon Medal that let the participants choose the color of their medal), or they were just plain fun (the Halloween medals especially)! Good luck picking a favorite! I have no idea which one I’m going to vote for yet.

Anyway…the medal chosen as the Best Race Medal for October 2012 will be included in the contest for the Best Race Medal of 2012 at the end of the year. Oh, and the September Best Medal 2012 Vote is still going on so you have 2 more weeks to cast your vote for your favorite September medal if you haven’t done so already.

The Best Race Medal winners so far this year:
January – Inaugural Louisiana Marathon Medal 2012 
February – Surf City Marathon Medal 2012
March – Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans Half Marathon Medal 2012
April – Flying Pirate Half Marathon Medal 2012
May – Safari Park Half Marathon Medal 2012
June – Navy Ten Nautical Miler Medal 2012
July – Sogonapmit Marathon Medal 2012
August – North Country Run Medal (2012)

Vote for your favorite October 2012 race medal:


Thanks for voting!


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