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Sports Illustrated Cover: Fallen Bill Iffrig from the Boston Marathon Bombings

The cover of this week’s Sports Illustrated is powerful with the famed photo of marathoner Bill Iffrig collapsed on the ground, after the bomb had exploded, with Boston Police officers surrounding him.

As we reported last night, Bill was uninjured and actually got up off the asphalt and walked the remaining 20-feet to the finish line (read more about Bill Iffrig HERE).  Bill’s a tough 78-year old grizzled runner.

Two things: 1. Bill never would have believed yesterday morning that he’d be on the cover of Sports Illustrated today and 2. There is no way in hell he would have ever believed the reason for him being on the cover.

The photo is powerful, iconic, and will be the lasting image from a horrible day in marathon and U.S. history.

More Posts from the 117th Boston Marathon



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- who has written 1138 posts on Run It Fast®.

Joshua Holmes has completed 325 marathons/ultramarathons while running 100+ miles 62 including races such as the Badwater 135 (9x), Western States 100, The Last Annual Vol State 500K (4x). He is the founder of Run It Fast, the most driven club on the planet. His favorite races to date are the Vol State 500K, Badwater 135, Barkley Fall Classic, Catalina Eco Marathon, Chimera 100, Across The Years, Savage Gulf Trail Marathon, Strolling Jim 40 Miler, Tunnel Hill 100, RUTS, EC100 and the Flying Monkey Marathon in his home state of Tennessee. Follow @bayou Follow @joshuaholmes on Instagram

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