3:16pm – Explosions Go Off at Boston Marathon, Dozens Injured: Race STOPPED
3:07pm – OH NO! There has been two explosions reported at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. THE RACE HAS BEEN STOPPED! Let’s pray for everyone out there.
2:42pm – Run It Fast – Club Member David Wingard finishes the Boston Marathon in 3:58:37. Congrats to RIF David on his impressive day in Bean Town.
2:21pm – Run It Fast – Club Member Dallas ‘Diamond D’ Smith finishes the Boston Marathon in 3:39:08 and finishes fourth place in his age division. Not bad for a 72 year old at Boston. #RunItFast – Read his books!
2:03pm – Run It Fast – Club Member Michelle ‘Mom of 6’ Walker finishes her first Boston Marathon in 3:36:58. Congrats to Ms. Brady.
1:30pm – Run It Fast – Club Member Steven ‘Thunder’ Lee has finished the 2013 Boston Marathon in 3:23:44. Congrats to Steven and Nadia.
1:29pm – Run It Fast – Club Member Nadia Ruiz has finished the 2013 Boston Marathon in 3:21:17 which is just a couple minutes off her PR.
1:26pm – RIF UPDATES: Kerri Haskins 2:29:17-Half, David Wingard 2:14:22-25k, Nadia Ruiz 3:10:31-40k, Kathleen Shirley 2:21:30-25k, Kenneth Williams 2:23:41-25k, Diane Bolton 2:35:06-25k, Dallas Smith 2:28:17-30k, Chuck Engle finished 2:55:55
1:18pm – Run It Fast – Club Member JD Leman finishes the 2013 Boston Marathon in 3:14:29. Congrats to JD on a speedy run.
1:15pm – Run It Fast – Dallas Smith has reached the 30k mark in 2:28:17 which has the 73 year old on pace for a 3:28 finish.
1:09pm – Blister In the Sun (BITS) race director Josh Hite finishes the 2013 Boston Marathon in 3:03:57. Where will his partner in crime, RIF’er Dallas Smith, land? Will Dallas win his age division this year after two second place finishes. Dallas is 73 and FAST. He’s also written a couple of great books of running stories, ‘Going Down Slow,’ and ‘Falling Forward.’
12:57pm – Run It Fast – Club member Chuck ‘Marathonjunkie’ Engle has finished the Boston Marathon in 2:55:56. Great run for the marathon legend who has over 250 marathon wins to his name. #RunMore #RunItFast
12:48pm – Great day of really amazing performances at Boston. The women were amazing. It was the Ana Dulce Felix show early on as she opened up a big lead after Caballero, from Columbia, blistered the early miles. Rita Jeptoo’s experience was too much though as she came on strong to win her second Boston Marathon in dominating fashion.
12:40pm – Run It Fast – Club Updates: Dallas Smith 1:43:11-Half, Michelle Walker 2:04:57-25k, Chuck Engle 2:22:30-35k, Diane Bolton 1:34:14-15k, Kenneth ‘Marathon Koach’ Williams 1:53:28-20k, Kathleen Shirley 1:52:06-20k, Steven Lee 46:27-10k, Nadia Ruiz 2:20:08-30k, JD Leman 2:37:08-35k, Kerri Haskins 1:42:53-Half, David Wingard 1:52:29-Half.
12:30pm – More updates to come very shortly as we’ll track Run It Fast – Clubbers to the finish.
12:23pm – Top 10 American Finishes: Men – 4. Jason Hartmann 2:12:12, 9. Daniel Tapia 2:14:30, 10. Craig Leon 2:14:38. Women – 4. Shalane Flanagan 2:27:08, 6. Kara Goucher 2:28:11
12:19pm – Lelisa Desisa Wins the 2013 Boston Marathon (Elite Male RESULTS)
12:13pm – Second place goes to Micah Koga (ETH) and third goes to the great Gebre Gebremariam (KEN). Jason Hartmann (USA) will take 4th place. A repeat performance for him last year. Very well done by all.
12:12pm – Ethiopia’s Lelisa Desisa WINS the 2013 BOSTON MARATHON in 2:10:23
12:09pm – It’s going to be either Gebre, Desisa or Micah Kogo. Desisa looks to be the strongest.
12:08pm – Less than 1 mile to go.
12:07pm – American Kara Goucher finished 6th place.
12:06pm – Three men in the fight for the win. It’s going to be an epic finish.
12:01pm – Rita Jeptoo Wins the 2013 Boston Marathon (Elite Women Results)
12:00pm – Shalane Flanagan (USA) finishes in 4th. Third went to Sharon Cherop, second to Meseret Hailu.
11:58am – 400 meters to go for the women and Rita Jeptoo is going to WIN the 2013 BOSTON MARATHON!!
11:56am – Men: Lead pack down to just 4 that includes Gebre and Wesley Korir.
11:54am – Women: Flanagan is seven seconds behind the lead three, Jeptoo, Sharon Cherop (KEN) and Meseret Hailu Debele (KEN), at mile 24 at 2:15.15.
11:52am – “These men up front have great speed!” – TV commentator…DUH!
11:47am – Felix has been overtaken. Rita Jeptoo (KEN) has taken the lead. Jeptoo won Boston back in 2006 (a lifetime ago for an elite marathoner).
11:45am – American Shalane Flanagan is up to third place about a minute behind the leader…and gaining. 5k remaining for the women.
11:44am – Ana Felix still with a healthy lead but the pack is starting to make up ground on her. They have about 20 minutes to catch her. Lead down to about 30 seconds.
11:40am – Run It Fast – Club member updates: Dallas Smith 48:53-10k, Michelle ‘Mom of 6’ Walker 1:14:36-15k, Chuck ‘Marathonjunkie’ Engle 1:36:23-25k, Kenneth Williams 56:20-10k, Kathleen Shirley 55:13-10k, Steven Lee 46:27-10k, Nadia Ruiz 1:31:53-20k.
11:39am – Men: 30K, Chumba (KEN) leads 1:32:42, Desisa (ETH), Gebremariam (ETH), Matebo (KEN), Kogo (KEN) and Merga (ETH) round out lead pack (via @BostonMarathon)
11:36am – Women: Felix hits mile 21 in 1:58:31. She is up by nearly 80 seconds and beating the metro train down the road.
11:34am – The massive elite male pack has exploded like a Roman Candle with the American Hartmann and Canadian Watson left in the residue, running on fumes.
11:32am – 10k left for Ana Dulce Felix and the win. Can she hold on? She’s looking strong.
11:30am – Elite men at mile 16 via Run It Fast – Clubber @RunKino
11:29am – 23,181 runners started today.
11:26am – The men fall back into one happy back that includes Watson and Hartmann who got a quick boost from a Baconator from a fan. 2:09 pace for the pack.
11:25am – 30k Women Splits: 1. Ana Dulce Felix 1:44:56, 2. Yolanda Caballero 1:46:04, 3. Sharon Cherop 1:46:11, 4. Rita Jeptoo 1:46:11, 5. Tirfi Tsegaye 1:46:11 (several others)
11:22am – “The Canadian has been reeled in!” No word yet with what they’ll do with him. And the American Hartman has been “Spit out the back of the pack!”
11:20am – A Canadian hasn’t won Boston since 1977. Watson’s secret? At the water stations he is grabbing sno cones from his handlers instead of water.
11:18am – Men: A Canadian (Watson) is now leading the pack. No, that is not predictions for the 2014 Oscars. Watson 1:14:29 at 15 miles.
11:15am – Run It Fast Club Members at the Boston Marathon
11:13am – The elite men continue to run this race like women at the club go to the bathroom….in a pack.
11:12am – Women: Felix now has a 23 second lead on Caballero and probably 45-60 seconds on the rest of the pack.
11:11am – The elite men continue to be bundled together. About 10 people in that bundle at the moment. Jason Hartmann still is included in that group.
11:08am – Tatyana McFadden (Clarksville, Md.) has officially won the 2013 Boston Marathon Female Wheelchar in 1:45.25. (via @BostonMarathon)
11:07am – Ana Dulce Felix looks like a strong thoroughbred as she is leaving all the other women behind her.
11:05am – Ana Dulce Felix has blown past Caballero however at the 25k split it was still Caballero with the lead, followed by Felix and Mockenhaupt.
11:04am – Women: Felix is close to tracking down Caballero. Both women are a good bit ahead of the rest of the pack. This has been an impressive kick by Felix to make up a 30 second gap. Will this kick drain too much from Felix or deflate Caballero? That’s the beauty of the sport. This race still has a long way to go to decide just that.
10:59am – Run It Fast – Club Member checkin: Chuck Marathonjunkie Engle hit 15k in 56:26, Josh Hite 10k in 43:28, Steven Lee 10k in 46:27, Nadia Ruiz 10k in 45:35
10:57am – Dulce Felix has left the pack and is trying to chase down Caballero. Admire the heart, question the decision though. She might believe she won’t have a chance to win unless she makes up some of the gap now, but she’s aiming for Caballero.
10:55am – 15k split for elite men: 1. Gebre (ETH) 45:50, 2. Wesley Korir (KEN) 45:51, 3. Raji Assefa (ETH) 45:51 – lead back has about 10 men with about the same time.
10:52am – Caballero’s husband was her coach. He died two years ago from an unfortunate stroke. She is the likely fan favorite. We are pulling for her. It would be quite the story if she could pull off the unthinkable today. She still has a 32 second lead 23k into the race.
10:50am – 2:28 pace for the women. They started really slow but have really heated up over the last 5 miles.
10:49am – 20k split for the women: 1. Caballero (Columbia) 1:10:16, 2. Mockenhaupt 1:10:40, 3. Felix 1:10:41.
10:47am – Caballero now with a massive 32 second lead on the other elite women. Something must be in the ummmm coffee down there.
10:44am – Yamamoto (Japan) wins 2013 Men’s Pushrim Wheelchair in 1:20:33.
10:38am – 10k splits for elite men: 1. Markos Geneti (ETH) 30:53, 2. Gebre (ETH) 30:53, 3. Deriba Merga (ETH) – 30:54. I really wish the Ethiopians would show up today. American Jaston Hartmann is in 10th place 2 seconds back.
10:36am – And in snark fairness. How do the elite men not get lost during a marathon without a map? Oh snap. I get it. That’s why they let the women go first so they can follow and know the route.
10:36am – The women are running all over the road. Spread out wide on all sides of the road. It’s almost as if they are in their cars driving!
10:34am – American Shalane Flanagan is in 6th place. Just a few seconds behind the top 3.
10:32am – 15k splits for leading women: 1. Diana Sigei (Kenya) 53:04, 2. Yolanda Caballero (Columbia), 3. Rita Jeptoo (Kenya). Sigei’s PR is 2:26
10:31am – Brenda Martinez is a very fast American woman 1-miler. She smoked that race.
10:30am – ALERT the authorities! One of the runners is riding a motorcycle amongst the elite pack! Making the Tour de France look legit and tame.
10:26am – Several corrals of weekend warriors have started as well at this point. Good luck to all of the Run It Fast – Club members out there today (VIEW LIST HERE).
10:25am – Jason Hartmann’s ‘uniform’ is so devoid of sponsors. He looks like a runner out for a jog down the street. Get Arlis on the line. We need to get some Run It Fast on his singlet and dukes.
10:22am – 4 mile split for the men is 19:57.
10:19am – Do you think there is animosity among the elite women between the women that expose their midriffs vs those that keep them covered during the race? You know how women be!! Think I just overheard one of the elite women with the ‘bikini’ top call another elite women with a traditional singlet, “Chunky Spice!!”
10:16am – 2:11 marathon pace for the men to this point. That will likely increase once they pick up some Gummy Bears at the next water station.
10:13am – Slow pace for the women at this point. Bobby Griggs found smiling in his grave.
10:10am – Four women and three men have separated themselves from the rest of the elite pack. Which of course means nothing this early on. Naturally, the American is one of those three out there early with Rocky blasting in his headphones. Men just hit the 2 mile mark.
10:07am – W: Felix (POR) and Mockenhaupt (GER) continue to lead through mile five with a split of 5:39. Total time 28:59. (via @BostonMarathon)
10:04am – Most popular singlet color for the elite men is YELLOW! They likely got them on discount at Armstrong’s garage sale! More common today on the elite men than sweatpants on women at the airport.
American Jason Hartmann looks tall and strong early on.
9:55am – Current women’s leaderboard through 3.1 miles: 1. Mockenhaupt (18:23), 2. Caballero, 3. Felix, 4. Yano.
9:50am – Don’t forget to tag your Boston Marathon photos and all running photos on Instagram with the hashtag #runitfast for possible featured repost and Likes!
9:48am – Women: Manami Kamitanida (JPN) and Yolanda Caballero (COL) lead the elite field through two miles in 11:54. Split time is 5:50. (via @BostonMarathon)
9:44am – MC: At the 10K mark, Hiroyuki Yamamoto leads the men’s pushrim wheelchair field by 100 yards! via @BostonMarathon
9:40am – WATCH live video coverage RIGHT HERE on Run IT Fast!!
9:37am – Boston Marathon course map and elevation chart can be found below.
9:35am – Slow pace to the start of the women’s race. Likely no one wants to take the lead and show their cards too early.
9:32am – Temperature at the start is 48 degrees and the gun goes off and the elite women have STARTED!
9:31am – List of Elite Men and Women running today at 117th Boston Marathon
9:30am – The elite women are being introduced and are at the starting line ready to go.
9:28am – Commentator, “LOOK at the abs on her!” – Sounds like Musburger at the National Championship. We might have Katherine Webb 2.0 on our hands.
9:24am – Team Hoyt will be out there today. Inspiration story between a very loving father and son.
9:17am Boston time: Welcome to our 2013 coverage of the 117th Boston Marathon. The race is about to begin for the elite women.
Check back here at 9:30am ET for live blog coverage of the 117th Boston Marathon.
Here is a list of the elite men and women running Boston.
Run It Fast Members Running the 117th Boston Marathon
Michelle Walker’s Road to Boston
Boston Marathon Elevation Chart
2013 Boston Marathon Finisher’s Medal
2012 Boston Marathon Finisher’s Medal
Marathonjunkie’s Controversial Comments on Boston Marathon Charity Runners Stirs Debate