Day 6 of the Last Annual Vol State! It’s getting close! Do we have a winner? Any minute now, I expect…if it hasn’t happened already. And where is our fearless leader at? Sulaiman? What of all the other runners still out there? I’ll be updating today’s live blog throughout the day so check back to see who is close and who has a while to go yet. If you didn’t get a chance to read the live blog for any of the previous 5 days, you can check them out here:
And don’t forget, you can always:
-See what Joshua (@bayou) is up to on twitter or search the tag #VS500 on twitter.
-Check out The Last Annual Vol State Road Race page on Facebook.
-Check out the Vol State 2012 Map to see where the runners are (updated 2x per day w/ last location).
-Carl Laniak is adding photos to his album if you’d like to check those out as well: Vol State 2012 Album
-Naresh is at the Vol State now and taking photos! Check it out: Naresh’s Vol State 2012 Album
So far today:
Email from Carl at 4:41 am
4am on the rock (laz)
it’s 4am on the rock…
paul is lost in 2500 acres of 10′ tall corn.
naresh has gone on foot to look for paul.
carl drove off, to look for naresh.
i’m standing in the rain, without any of my shit.i really want to get back to the room
so i can get an hour of sleep
before the morning call ins start.i wouldnt mind just being dry.
i am in hell.
but i really can’t complain.
juli is on monteagle mountain,
in a monster electrical storm.
10 miles from the nearest town.sulaiman is lost in tracy city.
being eyed by the local cops.psyche is trying to sleep on a bench
on the front porch of the walking horse hotel in wartrace.
she wanted to room with dusty.
but the hotel is locked,
and dusty’s phone is off while she sleeps.
a shower and a bed are but feet away.
but might as well be back in Missouri.jan has a shower and a bed,
but a cop picked her up tonight
and took her 6 miles off course to a motel.
she’s not sure how she’ll return to the course tomorrow.jay, sherry, charlie, and john
are trudging their way up monteagle mountain.
in the dark.
with nothing open.diane is already up this morning.
heading from columbia to shelbyville.
trying to stay on pace for a 10 day finish.marv is striving for columbia,
pushing to get back on pace
after a foot care appointment at the hospital.dusty and shannon are the only two,
in this whole race
who aren’t hungry, thirsty,
and miserable.
they’re only tired and sore,
and getting ready to head back out for another day…accept no imitations…
there’s nothing quite like the vol state.laz
Email from Carl at 3:25 am
5:20:05:06 – #3 Paul Lefelhocz
Who ran thru the maelstrom, and came out clean.
Posted by Joshua at 12:47 am
Email from Carl at 12:26 am (Woo! Way to Run It Fast #1!)
5:17:04:49 – #2 is Joshua Holmes
Charging up sand mountain in under an hour, fighting off Paul…and god’s weather furry.
Email from Carl at 11:03 pm
Re: Vol state update from poseidon’s perch
Joshua got in his crew vehicle when a limb blew down out of a tree and hit him, while a lightning bolt struck within spitting distance.
But Paul is apparently running on thru this storm. Gaining.
With the amount of rain coming down, he *might* even have most of the stink washed off of him.
This hellacious bit of weather just might have a huge impact on the race…if it keeps up long enough for Paul to make up 6 more miles….
Email from Carl at 10:30 pm
Vol state update from poseidon’s perch
We are at castle rock ranch, awaiting the #2 runner.
The sky is coming apart. This storm is more than laz or I have ever been in, from a volume of rain standpoint. It’s raining more than a hurricane. Just incredible.
Josh and Paul have both retreated to their crew vehicles, but juli is up on the monteagle plateau with just the poncho in her pack. She is experiencing…. something… up there right now.Carl
Posted by Joshua at 10:02 pm
Posted by Joshua at 8:39 pm (Come on Josh! Go, go, go! Run It Fast!)
Update of runner status by Laz at 8:39 pm
vol state update 11-5.5 days
today the people who were too lazy to already finish got a taste of real heat.
it cost us one more, as thomas mikkleson bailed at 250.standings after 5.5 days:
1) dan fox 314 (5:03:09:33) king dan II; “if you get tired after 200 miles; that just shows a lack of training.”
2) joshua holmes 297- hoping to finish after midnight
3) paul lefelhocz 285- making one last surge & closing ground. will it be too late?
4) juli aistars 280- resilient. what else can you say?
5) sulaiman sericki 254- he says he isnt stopping again until he reaches the rock
6) jay dobrojetski 252- can anyone say “hot pursuit?”
7) richard westbrook 250 – he has been in this spot for a day and a half.
8 ) charlie taylor 246-“this race right here is a man-maker. it makes you reach down in places you forgot you had”
9) john price 245- sounding very weary. but has 5 places within 9 miles. expect him to respond.
10) sherry meador 237- this is one tough girl, entering the homestretch.
11) psyche wimberly 231-in war trace and moving
12) dusty hardman 221- headed out into the night well rested
13) shannon burke 214- fighting to reach shelbyville and take a break
14) jan silverman 210- “my feet are a mess”
15) diane taylor 179- sleeping in columbia, preparing to spend all night on the road.
16) marvin skagerberg 155- medical care has worked miracles on his feet. fighting to get back on pace.
17) oprah 154- what can we say that hasnt already been said?
18) thomas mikkleson 250-RIP
19) rita barnes 185- RIP
20) sal coll 156- RIP
21) fred davis 125- RIP
22) erika matheny/adam venn 122-RIP
23) mike melton 121- RIP
24) abi meadows 100- RIPtight races for the remaining places coming out of manchester.
nobody wants to yield a place after 5 and a half days in hell.
everybody would like to take one.
gonna be a couple of wild days coming up.
the only thing we know for sure…there are no ties at the vol-state.
Posted by Joshua at 2:03 pm
Email from Carl at 11:07 am
Re: King Dan…5:03:09:33
He broke his own unscrewed record.
And he is the first unscrewed King.Carl
In reply to:
Hail King Dan!. That is a great time. Is that the uncrewed record?
Fred in Connecticut
Posted by Joshua at 11:04 am
Email from Carl at 10:31 pm
King Dan…5:03:09:33
“this feels soooo good”
Pictures in my picasa album
Posted by Joshua at 8:38 am
Update of runner stats from Carl at 8:18 am
vol state update 10 – 5 day standings
1) dan fox 303
2) joshua holmes 271
3) juli aistars 259
4) paul lefelhocz 250
5) sulaiman sericki 240
6) thomas mikkelson 235
7) jay dobroplusk 234
8 ) charlie taylor 223
9) john price 222
10) sherry meador 220
11) psyche wimberly 203
12) richard westbrook -over 200, but has forgotten how to use phone
13) dusty hardman 190
14) shannon burke 187
15) rita barnes 185 (RIP)
16) jan silverman 184
17) sal coll 156 (RIP)
18) diane taylor over 144, but probably in dead (brain) cell zone
19) marvin skagerberg 136
20) oprah 135
21) fred davis 125 (RIP)
22) erika matheny/adam vess 122 (RIP)
23) mike melton 121 (RIP)
24) abi meadows 100 (RIP)
Email from Carl at 7:18 am
best beer?
the debate can be put to rest.
at mile 300, dan fox slapped a $20 bill in laz’s hand,
and said, “bring me a beer to the rock.”not sure what we’ll get, but it’ll be the undisputed best beer in ultrarunning….
the one you down at the finish,
after winning the race.king don’s reign is into the final minutes.
Email from Carl at 7:09 am
the heir apparent (volstate – from laz)
crown prince dan is nearing south pittsburg.
he has passed the interstate and will cross the tennessee river for the second time in about a half hour.
one more mountain to climb.
victory is now literally within sight.he built his kingdom on 5 days of nearly continuous movement,
living on short naps in the woods alongside the road…and putting in killing surges;
long strings of 4.5 and 5 mile hours during the crucial days when the race was being decided.
pulling away when his rivals were trying to close the gap.saw him passing the 300 mile mark, at 4d 23h 25m,
with an ear to ear grin.what an inspiring effort.
laz (update for the mortals to follow)