Here is the finisher’s (sub-24 hour) buckle from The 100 Mile Club Extreme Challenge that took place on October 18-19, 2014 that started in Norco, California and finished in Santa Monica, California next to the pier.
This is the sub-24 hour finisher’s buckle from the 3rd Annual EC100 Mile Urban Ultramarathon that took place on October 19-20, 2013 from Corona, California to Santa Monica, California.
The race benefited The 100 Mile Club.
Finishers’ received the buckle along with a small medal that The 100 Mile Club gives out to kids in schools across the country that walk or run 100 miles during the course of the school year.
Actress Reese Witherspoonwas hit by a car while out jogging yesterday in Santa Monica, California. Witherspoon was treated for minor injuries at a Santa Monica hospital after the accident.
The driver of the car was an 84-year-old woman, who failed to see Witherspoon crossing the street and plowed into her like a bull in a china shop. The woman was cited for failure to yield to a pedestrian and released from police custody.
The woman was reportedly driving around 20 MPH when she hit the Legally Blonde actress.
Reese has been released from the hospital and is resting at home according to the report.
Luckily Reese is doing alright, but the national interest of the accident should serve as a wake up call to motorists and runners, as well, to be more careful out on the roads.
I ran the Los Angeles Marathon for the first time last year. It was the 25th anniversary running of the marathon in Los Angeles (outside of the Olympic games).
Last year was also the first year for the ‘Stadium to Sea’ course that takes runners from baseball’s Dodger Stadium, throughout all of the high points and tourist attractions of Los Angeles, to a beautiful finish at the beach in Santa Monica.
I’ve returned to run the L.A. Marathon again this year and thought I’d quickly list 10 of my most favorite things about the Los Angeles Marathon.
10 Best Things About the Los Angeles Marathon
Getting to stretch and get loose before the race on the outfield grass of Dodger Stadium
Skipping the long porta-potty lines to pee on the Chavez Ravine hillside
Following the tweets of the L.A. Marathon @lamarathon throughout the year
Running down Hollywood Boulevard by Grauman’s (Mann’s) Chinese Theater where thousands of movie premieres have taken place over the past 100 years
Struggling down Sunset Boulevard thinking of all of the celebrities and great rockstars that have had just as much difficulty making it up and down this strip in the wee hours of the morning
Sprinting down Rodeo Drive
The opportunity to run with all of the local kids and citizens of Los Angeles who train all year just to run this race.
Finishing at the Santa Monica beach near the boardwalk & pier
The finisher’s medal is always top notch (see the 2011 version).
The crowd support throughout all the different areas of Los Angeles is top notch and extremely encouraging throughout the entire 26.2 miles. The crowd the last half mile before the finish line in Santa Monica makes you feel as if you were finishing an Olympic marathon with the gold.
Best of luck to all of those running the Los Angeles Marathon this year and for years to come!