Tag Archive | "rock n’ roll"

Rock N Roll Nice Medal (2013)

Rock ‘n’ Roll Nice 10 Miles du Carnaval Medal (2013)

This is the medal for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Nice 10 Miles du Carnaval that was held on February 17, 2013 in Nice, France.


[Medal submitted by Rob Griffiths. Follow him on on Twitter @RobJGriffiths]

Posted in Bling, Featured, International, MedalsComments (0)

Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon Medal – 2012 – Sean Higgins – Run It Fast

Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon Medal (2012)

Here is the finisher’s medal from the Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon that took place on September 16, 2012 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


[medal photo submitted by RIF #155 Sean Higgins. Follow the race on Twitter @shiggins351]

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Rock n Roll Virginia Beach Half Marathon Medal 2012

Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach Half Marathon Medal 2012

This is the medal for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach Half Marathon that was held on September 2, 2012 in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

This is a little different than what I’ve come to expect from Rock ‘n’ Roll medals but I like it. It’s simple but the blue and yellow make it eye catching and the wave and the sun are perfect.


[medal photo submitted by Darius. Follow him on Twitter @dzoid11]

Posted in Bling, Featured, Half Marathon, MedalsComments (0)


Rock ‘n’ Roll Dallas Half Marathon Medal (2012)

 This is the medal for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Dallas Half Marathon that took place in Dallas, Texas on March 25, 2012.

I like this medal a lot. I think the big boots and the sparkle on DALLAS are exactly what you’d expect to see for that city. Everything is bigger in Texas, right?










[medals submitted by Brian L (follow on twitter –  @bmleub) and MassielSm (follow on twitter – @massielSm)]

Posted in Bling, Featured, Half Marathon, MedalsComments (1)

Mandalay Bay – Las Vegas Marathon

Competitors Silly and InSINcere Offer for Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Marathon Victims

Those of us that were lucky enough to survive the Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Marathon or Half Marathon (Full Story) earlier this month received an email from Competitor (company that puts the race on) today offering us $50 off the entry fee for Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona that takes place on January 15, 2011.

  1. Offer was made via email today, Dec 13, for a race on January 15, 2012.  Very tough and short window for runners to plan and arrange travel/training.
  2. $135 – $50 is still $85 to run Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona. Add in travel (gas, plane, rental car) and hotel and you are going to be down $500-$1,000 to run a race you didn’t want to run in the first place (or else you would have already signed up for it.)  $50 off is a small percentage of the cost it would actually take to run the race.
  3. Almost all RNR LV runners that plan to run RNR AZ have already signed up and paid full price for it.
  4. Offer was likely made knowing that very few could accept it.  That way Competitor can say, ‘Hey, we tried to make up for our mistakes at Las Vegas.”
  5. Competitor/Rock ‘n’ Roll is not going to get the benefit of the doubt from anyone anymore.
  6. Most runners I’ve talked to seem to agree. Insincere offer. Some deleted it immediately as they broke out the SMH!
  7. Some believe it’s a way to fill a race that hasn’t sold out yet.
  8. While some runners have sworn to me they will never run another RNR event even if it was free.
  9. Runners by and large are whiners or running divas, but what went down in Vegas was absurd. After the merge, every runner’s safety and health was in peril unless you were an elite or at the head of the pack for either race.
  10. The offer would have had legs if it had been for $50 off of any RNR race in 2012.

Competitor is right to offer something to try to smooth over what went down on December 4, 2011, but this offer is coming across to runners as an offer that most are unable to accept for a variety of reasons.

What happened that night in Vegas for sure didn’t stay in Vegas.  Competitor’s reputation, which was already mud among marathon veterans, is at an all-time low with almost all runners that were in Vegas.

40,000 runners ran that night. Those 40,000 runners have lots of running friends. Word of mouth is believable due to the heavy amount of complaints coming from an array of runners and stories on the news and in print.

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Facebook page has been an endless ticker of negativity and hatred towards Competitor.

The CEO of Competitor, Peter Englehart, called me late last week and he did seem sincere in listening and wanting to find out everything that went wrong in Las Vegas so they could make changes for 2012.

I bet you can’t MERGE this offer with any other discount codes!!

Agree or disagree? Leave a comment below with your thoughts.

How bad was Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas? Nightmare on the Strip: Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Marathon and Half Marathon Full of Sin

Dirty Rumors from the Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Marathon

2011 Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Marathon & Half Marathon Medals

[photo of runners trapped inside the Mandalay Bay. via A Trail Runner’s Blog]

Posted in Half Marathon, Marathon, RunningComments (8)

Las Vegas Strip Nighttime Marathon

2011 Las Vegas Marathon to Take Place at NIGHT Under the Strip Lights

BREAKING: The Rock N’ Roll running series announced tonight that the annual Las Vegas Marathon (and Half Marathon) will be run this year under the lights of the Las Vegas Strip…at NIGHT!

The Zappos’ Rock N’ Roll Las Vegas Marathon was run the previous two years in the morning at the break of dawn.

RNR claims it will be the largest nighttime race in the United States.

The race takes place December 4, 2011.

For the next 48 Hours you can sign up for just $121. Early Registration will close March 10 at 5:45pm PST. Price then jumps up to $140 and eventually $175.

Sign Up Here at Las Vegas Strip at Night

I have no clue what they are smoking when they say the cut off for the full marathon will be 4 hours and 30 minutes when the half cut-off is 4 hours and starts 90 minutes later. Surely that is going to change. If any of you have any insight then please drop it in a comment below.


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