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What Run It Fast – The Club Runners Have Been Up To (Jan-Apr)

The Extreme Runner Points program is well under way and we’ve had a great turnout so far. 43 Run It Fast – The Club members have submitted their races and miles for the first 4 months of the year. This is a summary of all the races and miles that have been entered so far:

Pretty cool, huh? So far, Run It Fast – The Club members have run almost half way around the world and run a boat load of races! But that’s not all. I’d also like to highlight some of the fun run things they shared with us when they submitted their races and miles.


2 members ran a couple of firsts: Congratulations to Daniela Obregon #49 (@Nanyob) for running her first half marathon and Rick Jarvis #13 who ran his first marathon (and also ran another one in January!).

Nicholas Norfolk #116 (@absolut_zer0) became a Marathon Maniac!

2 members set PRs in January: Dennis Arriaga #140 (@dennarr) set a 5K PR and Hideki Kinoshita #88 (@RunKino) set a marathon PR at the MS Blues and then again a week later at Houston! Congratulations to you both on Running It Fast!


3 members set PRs in February:  Dennis Arriaga #140 (@dennarr) set a 10K PR this time and Kevin Ronayne #11(@KRona217) set a PR in the 5 Mile. Once again that running machine, Hideki Kinosita #88 (@RunKino), set a marathon PR! Yay! That’s how you Run It Fast!


Daniela Obregon #49 (@Nanyob) ran her first marathon! GoDani Go!

 There were a slew of PRs set:  Dennis Arriaga #140 (@dennarr) set another 5K PR, Kevin Ronanye #11 (@KRona217) also set a 5K PR, Nadia Ruiz Gonzales #69 set a marathon PR at the LA Marathon, and Hideki Kinoshita #88 (@RunKino) set ANOTHER marathon PR at NOLA. Way to Run It Fast!

Congratulations to Perry Ligon #146 (@perry_ligon) who placed 4th in his age group (50-59) at the St. Patty’s Scramble 15K Trail Race!


For firsts in April, we have Dennis Arriaga #140 (@dennarr) who ran his first half marathon! Congrats Dennis!

4 members set April PRs: Mark Sikkila #108 set a PR for the half marathon, Christy Bowers #60 set a PR for the 10K, Hideki Kinoshita #88 (@RunKino) set a 4 Mile PR, and Michelle Mitchell #133 set a PR in the 100K. Awesome job of Running It Fast you guys!

Congratulations to Alicia Eno #126 who was 2nd Woman Overall at the Dash for Dad 13.1 in Memphis, Hideki Kinoshita #88 (@RunKino) who placed 3rd in his age group at the Martian Marathon, Marj Mithchell #4 who placed 1st in her age group at the Shiloh Run In The Park 4 Miler, and Michelle Mitchell #133 who won a 2 mile race and placed 2nd in her half marathon


As you can see, Run It Fast – The Club members have started off the year with a bang! I know the rest of the year is going to be just as fun. No, even better. I can’t wait to see everyone Run It Fast in 2012!

So come on! Don’t be shy. If you haven’t submitted your races and miles for the Extreme Runner Points program for January through April, you can do so here:

Run It Fast – The Club Extreme Runner Entry Form

You can click here to find out more information about it: Extreme Racer Standings Program (details).

In case you missed the post on the current standings thru April 2012, click here: Run It Fast – The Club Extreme Runner Point Standings (thru April 2012)

And for information on joining Run It Fast – The Club click HERE. Join us today and be a part of the fun!

P.S. If you submitted races but forgot to submit your monthly mileage totals, you can leave a comment here or send me an email or a tweet and I will add them for you.

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Couch to 5K Running Program Logo

The ‘Couch-to-5K Running Plan’ Actually Works

Anyone can run a 5K if they are willing to get off their sofa and work towards that goal.  Cool Running (CoolRunning.com) has come up with a widely popular training plan called the ‘Couch-to-5K Running Plan’ to help people get in shape and run their first 5k (3.11 mile) race.

The program starts off with workouts that are easy for first-time runners.  ‘Couch-to-5K’ workouts are three times a week for 25-35 minutes per workout and mixes walking and jogging. There is a lot of walking early on in the program and more jogging mixed in as the weeks unfold.  The program will have you, after 9 weeks of training, in good enough shape to complete your first 5K race.

Here is a sample of the first week of workouts from the ‘Couch-to-5K Running Plan’:

Week Workout 1 Workout 2 Workout 3
1 Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

I usually run a dozen or so 5K races during the year to help work on my speed work. Over the course of the past year, I’ve seen more and more people running 5K’s.  I have talked to several people, at these races, who give credit to the ‘Couch-to-5K Running Plan’ for getting their butt off the sofa and helping them to run their first 5K.

A lot of people are scared to run a 5K.  At a 5K, like most running races, you see people of all running (and walking) levels. If you just get out there and do it, then you’ve accomplished something. You don’t have to set a world record to finish your first 5K. For the most part, runners are often just competing against themselves and their own prior personal records (PR).

Even if you have to walk the entire distance, you’ve still accomplished something really cool. You’ve also improved your health and also likely helped a worthwhile cause or charity with your entry fee for the race.

View the Entire ‘Couch-to-5K Running Plan’ HERE at Cool Running

Have you had success with this program? Leave us a comment below if you have. We’d love to hear your thoughts about it, both positive and negative.

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