Here is one of the trophies from the Upchuck 50K that took place on November 8, 2014 in Chattanooga, TN.
[medal photo submitted by Nathan Holland – @ndholland]
Posted on 02 February 2015.
Here is one of the trophies from the Upchuck 50K that took place on November 8, 2014 in Chattanooga, TN.
[medal photo submitted by Nathan Holland – @ndholland]
Posted in Bling, Featured, Medals, Ultra MarathonComments (0)
Posted on 10 November 2014.
Tabatha Hamilton was the female winner of the Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon on Saturday finishing in 2:55:39 seconds. A very fast time for a female finisher of any marathon. And even more impressive is the way she closed in posting one of the biggest negative splits in marathon history by running the last 13.1 miles in 49 minutes, after she had, in comparison, slowly ran the first half in 2 hours 6 minutes and 51 seconds.
Red flags were flown immediately upon analysis of the numbers and the race officials of the race disqualified Hamilton for finishing too fast aka cheating.
Race officials determined that it was impossible for Hamilton to cover the last half of the marathon in 49 minutes after finishing the first 13.1 miles in 2:06:51, according to the Chattanooga Track Club.
The 31-year-old Trenton, Ga., resident told at least one person, when asked if she did the full marathon, that she ran all 26.2 miles, crossed the final timing mat at 2 hours, 55 minutes, 39 seconds.
She was removed from the official results Sunday night.
Contacted early this afternoon, Hamilton told the Times Free Press that no one had told her she had been disqualified, and she insisted again that she completed the full marathon. She disputed the reported time for her first 13.1 miles, saying that her husband was looking at his watch as she ran by and called out to her then that she was at 1:36:51. [Chattanooga Times Free Press
Nashville’s Lillian Gilmer, from Nashville, finished a distance second in 3:21:28 to Hamilton but having actually ran all 26.2 miles. Gilmer has now been named the rightful winner of the 2014 Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon. Congratulations to Lillian!
More and more stories of cheating are starting to pop up at marathons and ultramarathons across the country. There is also probably a good bit of doping going on as well by those looking for a competitive edge to be the king or queen of the amateurs.
Posted in Marathon, RunningComments (0)
Posted on 11 October 2013.
Here is the finisher’s medal from the Rock/Creek Stump Jump 50K that took place on October 5, 2013 in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Brent Fuqua said about the race, ‘Hot, humid and overrun with yellow jackets!”
[medal photo submitted by Brent Fuqua – follow him on Twitter @brent_fuqua]
Posted in Bling, Featured, Medals, Running, Ultra MarathonComments (0)
Posted on 19 December 2012.
Lookout Mountain 50 Miler begins at Covenant College on the top of Lookout Mountain. I began the race with two Run It Fasters, David Pharr and Joshua Holmes. David and I have been friends for a long time and have done several races together here recently. He is definitely becoming a very strong ultra runner. I also had a great crew seeing me off, including my lovely wife Melissa (who was holding our precious baby daughter Brooklyn, Jonathan Harrison (who helped me out A TON) throughout the day, and Leah Harrison (Jonathan’s wife).
We ran through the parking lot of the college and then went into the woods on the west side of the mountain. We ran along a single track with some nice bluffs that could end one’s life directly to our left. We could see a beautiful view of a valley for about thirty minutes on our left. What a great way to start the day! We continued to run north and then came to the stairs marking Point Park which was directly above us. The trail then turned around to the north side of the mountain, and we could see Chattanooga on our left. This was a very fast section of trail. I knew ahead of time that I had to be careful here. I love going fast on the downhill, but I didn’t want to expend myself 6 miles into the race.
After this section, we came to a gravel road that went back in roughly the same direction we had just come, only it was going downhill. We weren’t on this road long before getting to Craven’s House, the first aid station at mile 8. David had pulled a little ahead of me before getting to the station. I could tell he was on a mission, and I did the smart thing and just let him go. Jonathan refilled my gels, Enduralytes, and got me some food as well as a change of shirt (into my sweet Run It Fast shirt).
I looked up to start running with David again, but he was gone. I didn’t see him again the rest of the day. We continued downhill. There really wasn’t a lot going on for this section of the trail. I just made my way down to the Nature Center area. I knew there was another aid station there at about 14 miles, but I also knew I wouldn’t see anyone I knew at that station. I ended up getting to the bottom of the mountain and running along a creek to my right. This was a very moderate section of trail and very flat. I then came to the station, refilled, and started the next section.
I knew I had a monster climb ahead of me from looking at the course profile. Sure enough, the trail started going up, up, up. Before I knew it, I was about halfway up the mountain. I actually said to somebody, “This isn’t quite as bad as I thought it was going to be.” I passed several people during this stretch. My spirits really started to lift as I realized how well I was doing with what was described as the hardest section of the course. Then the trail started to go down. And it kept going down. The pump fake! I ended up at the bottom of the mountain again! The only time you don’t want to go downhill is when you know you have to go back up. This was definitely that case. When I started the real ascent, it was definitely a difficult stretch. It was near the top of this section that I started to get nauseous for the first time. I took a ginger capsule, some more gel, and some enduralytes. Somehow I was able to hold it all down.
I heard several people say they had the same thoughts I had at the top of that hill. “If my legs are already this tired, how am I going to make it thirty more miles?” It was definitely a mental/physical game at that point, especially considering the start/finish was right after that climb as the 22.5 mile aid station. My crew met me there again. They had a lawn chair for me, and I sat down for a minute. Jonathan refilled everything, and Leah got me some food from the table. I just took a minute to recuperate. Melissa gave me a kiss, which was definitely a boost to the spirits. I changed socks and mentally prepared for the next stretch.
A Rock/Creek guy told me that, if I made it through the first part, I could definitely make it the rest of the way. He said there were a lot of ATV trails, so it wasn’t nearly as difficult. Let me say this, while the trails weren’t as technical and weren’t quite as hilly as the first section, they were VERY hilly. It was not easy. Still, I got out of the chair and started the remaining 27.5 miles.
This section started on the ATV trails and then switched to another single track after winding through the campus woods a little bit. This single track was really narrow and had some uneven footing making it difficult to move quickly. However, I had received a second wind and even called a couple of buddies (Alex Walker and Mitch Zlatovich) to tell them I was confident I was going to finish. Mitch didn’t answer, and he later told me (after calling me back later) that he thought I had called him to tell him I had dropped.
I came out of the woods to a section of power lines that went to my left. I ran with the lines for a while and made a mental note that they would be a marker on the way back. (Boy were they a marker). I went into the woods again on the other side of the lines, and I began a pretty long downhill towards the Lula Land Trust property. There wasn’t a whole lot going on in this stretch either, except that there was one creek crossing. The good thing was that this trail was definitely a moderate trail making it easy on the feet.
I crossed a road and then began a downhill with a large bluff just to my right. The trail went down to some picnic tables, and we crossed a bridge over Rock Creek. We headed through the woods, went up and down some decent climbs, and then the next aid station appeared after I heard some water. It felt like a really long way to this station from the previous one. It turned out this station was at mile 30, right beside Lula Falls. Also of note, it was shortly before the aid station that the race leader passed me heading back to the S/F.)
I texted Jonathan to tell him I was lost… Then I texted him to tell him I was actually at mile 30. I continued down a gravel road for a short bit, saw the monster falls to my left, and then looked up to see… a rope!? Who puts a trail so tough you have to use a rope at mile 30? And what’s worse, I had to climb down the stupid thing right before mile 42.5. What could I do, though? I climbed.
At the top, the trail became very wide and comfortable, and I was greeted with probably the best view to my left from the whole day. I took a picture, but, as in most cases, the picture doesn’t compare to what it actually looked like. There is something about covering a lot of ground and gaining a lot of elevation to be rewarded with a secluded gift from God. I became a little emotional (as most people do when they are completely drained in a race). The road kept going up a long, slight upgrade slope, which I welcomed. It was not steep, but it was steep enough that I got to walk for a while. 2nd and 3rd place started to come by me at that point. They were at least 3-4 miles behind the leader. That guy was flying.
I began a downhill stretch and was greeted with a nice view of a river below again. The footing was pretty uneven, although comfortable due to the soft dirt. I was forced to walk by the river for a bit because of the footing. I eventually came out of the woods and took a right to run along a road up to the next aid station which was marked mile 34.
I was feeling a little bit queasy, but I knew I needed to try to eat something. My crew had me some soup, and I drank some of the broth. Surprisingly, it tasted great. I changed my shoes because I knew I was going to cross a creek in the next section. I would shortly be back at this same point (miles 34-38 were a loop). I wanted to make sure to have dry trail shoes if I could keep it that way. Because the soup went down so well, I figured I would use the opportunity to try to get some food on my stomach.
I grabbed some oranges and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Jonathan jumped in with me and ran with me for the rest of the race. We waved bye to our crew before heading into the woods. Right before going into the woods, while looking back at the crew, I became very nauseous and started to dry heave, forcing the unswallowed sandwich out of my mouth onto the ground. Jonathan looked at me concerned. I said, “Don’t worry, it was just the peanut butter and jelly.” I immediately turned and hurled. Without missing a beat, I said, “Don’t worry, it was just the peanut butter and jelly. I feel great!” Then we headed into the woods.
After puking, I got a major second wind. I honestly think I maintained about a 12 minute mile average through the next section, which, at that point in the race and with some of the climbs in that section, was definitely moving. I passed five people through that section. Jonathan told me my spirits were definitely better than most of the people he had seen at that point.
We came out of the woods to the 38 mile station again. I changed back into my trail shoes, grabbed my headlamp, made sure I had everything I needed, and started the 12 (I heard it was actually 11.5 miles) back to the start finish. I was definitely glad to have company at that point because 12 miles after 38 miles is still a really long way.
I won’t rehash the views explained earlier because they’re just in reverse, but it definitely lifted my spirits to have someone to talk to for the rest of the race. I thought I was going to be completely coming apart at that point, but honestly, I still felt pretty good. I was definitely moving pretty slowly, but I had no doubt I would make it to the end.
When we got to the 42.5 mile station at the falls, I sat down by the fire for a few minutes, drank some Mountain Dew, ate some candy, and gave myself a short mental break. Then we headed back into the woods which was definitely not very runnable. After being in the woods for just a short time, we were forced to turn on the headlamps. I was able to keep my bearings for the most part somehow, but it’s hard to describe much that goes on when it is dark all around.
We passed the creek again and did a large climb away from the water. I was definitely getting tired, but Jonathan kept telling me how well I was hiking the uphills. We pressed through this connector trail, and I waited to find the power lines again. Finally, I saw the lights of the power lines ahead of me. I knew they were close… They were not. I probably saw those stupid lights for about an hour. What is worse, it was an uphill climb almost the whole way. That was the most mentally taxing part of the day. I kept saying, “We have go to get out of here.” Jonathan kept telling me to hang in there. That would last about five minutes, and those stupid lights never got any closer. Repeat cycle. He gave me just the right amount of encouragement without overdoing it because, honestly, at that point, I was really just ready to be done. I had gotten some feedback from people estimating distance and time, too. They told me that, if I averaged a 15 minute mile to the end, I would probably still make it in under 12 hours. Finally, I made it out of the woods and followed the power lines for a bit and then went back into the woods on the other side. I really tried to push myself to go for the 12 hour mark. We hit the last ATV trail, and I started moving. I don’t know how fast I was going, but Jonathan said the last half mile actually made him tired. My watch turned over the 12 hour mark, so I backed off a bit on the pace. I could see some Christmas lights ahead, which outlined the chute to the finish. They started announcing my name, and I saw my crew and family cheering me on. When I crossed the line, I spiked my water bottles and yelled. I was completely exhausted but completely pumped at the same time.
I did miss the 12 hour mark by 2 minutes. (Note here. That was just a hopeful goal. My goal was to finish and enjoy the race. I met both goals, and I took pictures throughout the way, took nice breaks at aid stations, and did exactly what I needed to do. Even though I didn’t get under 12 hours, I am not disappointed at all. I did it exactly how I wanted to do it, and I would not change a thing about my race strategy).
A big thanks goes out to everyone who helped and supported me throughout the day. Melissa was a major trouper, taking care of Brooklyn for 12 hours and then doing so much to take care of her over the weekend while I was too tired to do a whole lot. Jonathan was a major support throughout the entire race (crewing me for 34 miles and then running with me and crewing at the same time for 16 miles). Leah also helped crew, was a great support, and came a long way to watch me run. Thank goodness she wasn’t hungry. My parents also fought the cold to get out there to watch me at the finish. I also want to thank David Pharr and Joshua Holmes for hanging out at the finish to see me at the end. They both killed it and finished in close to 10.5 hours. All in all, it was an awesome experience. I enjoyed every bit of 10 hours of this race. 10 out of 12 isn’t bad. Haha. Run It Fast!
– Nathan Judd (RIF #166)
Posted in Race Reports, Running, Ultra MarathonComments (2)
Posted on 10 October 2012.
Here is the finisher’s medal from the Rock/Creek Stump Jump 50K that took place on October 6, 2012 in Chattanooga, Tennessee
[Medal photo submitted by RIF #185 David Pharr. Follow him on Twitter @DavidPharr]
Posted in Bling, Featured, Medals, Ultra MarathonComments (0)
Posted on 29 February 2012.
Here is the finisher’s medal from the 2012 Scenic City Half Marathon that was held on February 25, 2012 in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
[Medal photo submitted by Dina Kwit. Follow Dina on Twitter @dinakwit]
Posted in Bling, Featured, Half Marathon, MedalsComments (0)
Posted on 25 May 2011.
Here are a couple of photos of the 2011 Scenic City Trail Marathon finisher’s medal from the race that is put on by local outdoor store Rock Creek.
The marathon and half marathon take place on Raccoon Mountain just outside of Chattanooga, Tennessee.
The 2011 Scenic City Trail Marathon was won by Aaron Saft (2:47:44) and Sarah Woerner (3;13:34 course record).
Rock Creek does a great job with their trail series. They put on several well attended trail races throughout the year.
2011 Scenic City Trail Marathon Finisher’s Medal Photos
Posted in Bling, Featured, Marathon, MedalsComments (1)
Posted on 03 November 2010.
Live blogging from the 2010 Tennessee Ragnar Relay from Chattanooga to Nashville.
Bumpshack Racing Final Time – 27 hrs 39 min 21 seconds
– 32nd of 160 Overall
– 10th of 79 Open Division
Team R3 won the relay in 19:47:09
2nd Place: TR2 Slug Monkeys 23:43:47
3rd Place: Blue Suede Shoes 24:12:46
View 2010 Ragnar Relay Tennessee Full Team Results
Sat 1:38pm – We are done. Totally rocked it. Everyone had a blast and really ran it fast. Will update more later. Life calls! On road home, stopped at Sonic getting sweet tea to assist in my toughest leg the past row days.
Travis brought us home with our 36th overall leg. We met him as a team of 12 there on 1st ave. We ran the last 200 yards as a team and crossed the finish line together. A very happy and joyous occasion for us all.
Perhaps cheesy, but I couldn’t have asked for a better team. We all got along extremely well and had a really fun time pushing each other across 195 miles in 27 hours and 39 minutes.
“Great challenging event that pushes you to the max both physically and mentally. Would totally do it all over again…with some rest of course.” – Josh Watson
Sat 12:30pm – Done with my and Chad’s legs. 15.3 miles. Tough. Get text when done that wife and baby in ER. Baby stopped breathing for bit, turned blue. Three x-rays and bloodwork on baby. Not sure what’s wrong, maybe obstruction in stomach. Speeding home shortly after done.
Miller is currently running next to last leg, then Travis and we are done.
Sat 8:33am – Kirk came in strong but spent. Van 1 set a high standard throughout. Those guys can now shower (at Tommy’s condo), relax, and start the party (at Hooters) if they can still move.
Van 2, led by Estes, is off to finish this off.
Sat 6:58am – Van 2 with little to no sleep. I have none as most have little if any. I did get a very cold shower in the girl’s locker room at the school we stopped by. Very cold Shower and old-school open for the locker room to see! Oriental woman walked in astonished I was using their shower. But I chatted her up and she became friendly telling me about her running so far. About 8 other women walked in during this time all with the same look. I finished getting dressed and told them I enjoyed it and we’d do it again some time.
Chad is injured so I am going to attempt his leg, as well, after my 9 mile leg in a bit. Won’t lie, I have no clue how my body will respond to 15.3 more miles on no sleep, after 2 fast legs already in the tank, but we as a team will get it done some how.
Van 1 during this time has continued their torrid pace. Gene, Josh Watson, Flowers, and Tommy are done with all of their legs. Van 2 should take over again around 8:30am to bring this home and to our bling at the end of the rainbow.
Sat 3:30am – Chad’s run across Shelbyville turned into a skip-to-my-Lou across Shelbyville as the ‘One-Legged Pony’s’ calf started acting the fool.
Scott ‘Heather’ Miller is out running abacus fast. Travis is up soon, then we are off to attempt sleep as Van 1 takes over.
Sat 2:30am – Just finished my 2nd leg (21st overall). It was very cold so I just took off at about 7:25 pace for first 3 miles. I felt good, so I kept pushing hard. Did last 3.8 at about 7:04 pace. Caught some people on last mile. Finished 6.8 mile leg at 49:09, 7:13 pace. So much better than first crap run. (New pace record for Bumpshack Racing so far).
One-Legged Pony Richardson is currently running through Shelbyville. Rest of guys in Van 2 have nicknamed me ‘Hot Flash.’ I have tried to shorten this to ‘Flash’ but to no avail.
Garth ‘Darth’ Bentley is seriously doing a great job getting us to these exchange points and supporting us along the route. ‘Darth’ just got renamed as ‘Hoke’ for you ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ fans.
Sat 1:30am – Estes said he had a hard time breathing but still set the fastest pace for our team, so far, at 7:15 for his 2.7 mile leg. We will see how long this stands.
Fri 11:15pm – At exchange waiting on Van 1 that has, like Sherman, blazed through their second set of legs. The entire team Gene, Watson, Flowers, Tommy, Andy, and Kirk have really ran fast. Watson was about 7:30 pace, Flowers 8:08.
Estes is ready to take off on a short 5kish leg once Kirk reaches him. Estes plans to set the fastest pace of the race for the team once he starts.
“Holmes, take your headlamp into the porta-potty, you can’t see crap in there!” – Chad ‘One-legged Pony’ Richardson
Fri 10:10pm – Watson finished his 2nd leg in 43:08 – very fast. Two very fast runs for him. He’s on fire. Flowers running now.
Fri 10:00pm – Still waiting at fancy Italian place in Winchester (oxymoron?!) for our food…Van2. The fancy Italian place took about 2 hours to serve and feed us but was worth the wait. Great food and bonding time with Van 2. Our van, mostly strangers before the race, has quickly become friends and fans of each other.
“She was wearing tutu, and she blew me away!” – Travis Lampley
Fri 8:38pm – Travis ‘Quad City DJ’ brought us down off the mountain. 1/3 of the legs are in the books. Van 1 is back running with ‘Mean’ Gene starting round 2 of their legs. Both vans got to spend a good amount of time together at this last exchange.
Van 2 is now off in search of food and relaxation.
“It was rough, but it was fun!” – Travis Lampley
Fri 7:30pm – Scott Miller had a very fast run thru Sewanee before handing off to Travis.
“Knock’em off!” -Scott Miller
Fri 6:07pm – Estes battled the mountain and sleet and rain and some how pushed it hard. Brandon then took over for leg 8 and smoked his leg on top of the mountain. I took leg 9 which was a ‘Support’ leg which really means no course-support, that it’s up to your team. Myself and team figured this out about 3.5 miles in. I struggled hard the first 4 miles before finding a semi-decent balance the last 2. The thin air, cold, and just my suckness made it a tough leg for me. Still managed a decent pace.
Chad took over for leg 10 as darkness totally took over. He looked strong when we just passed him. It is getting colder, but everyone is running really well. Our 2nd runs, starting with Van 1 here in a bit will start to challenge us all as it gets colder.
Garth is doing a great job navigating the van. About time to eat!
“Thinking about the Lonestar concert at the end helped me garner the strength and courage to conquer the mountain.” – Chris Estes
“I ate a potato, so bring on my next leg.” – Brandon ‘Spud’ Piacine
“I think I pulled my hammy hanging a left at that last stop sign.” – Garth Bentley (Van 2 Driver)
Fri 3:46pm – Van 2 is off and going. Estes is currently attacking the mountian. He looked very strong when we passed him in the van. The van struggled but made it up the mountain. Brandon is now waiting at the exchange spot for Estes to meet him. Just as Brandon hopped out it started raining and sleeting. It’s starting to get fun. I’m up after Brandon, then Richardson, Miller, Lampley.
At the Van exchange where vans switched Kirk came in extremely fast and soaked. He ran as fast as he ever has. He seemed tired but excited. Ready to run! I will update pics as soon as I have a 3G signal.
Fri 1:42pm – Van 2 is checked in at exchange 6 and ready to go. Flowers ran a strong 3rd leg, as did Tommy. Andy is currently running then Kirk. The weather has been cold, raining, sunny, warm, repeat!
Estes is ready to climb Mt. Eagle and fly with the birds.
Garth tried to put window paint on our van to decorate…below the windows, on the paint. Immediate panic and dash to bathroom for towels to wash it off.
Van 2 in van, staying warm, waiting on Van 1 and Kirk to arrive.
Thanks to Scott Miller for the usage of the computer and wifi-card.
Fri 12:05pm – Gene smoked leg 1 in 65 minutes. Cab setting the bar high. Great start.
Fri 11:00am – Gene is off at the start after proposing to a girl in the stands during intros. Very cold at the start. Ran into some Jackson friends, Jennifer Vailes Jones, Mandy Hill Reeves and her husband Randy Reeves as well.
Us Van 2 guys are currently at the Mellow Mushroom carbing up. Chad and myself thought it would be a good idea to split and finish off a 16-inch Hawaiian pizza before our first leg.
Fri 9:26am – In van, on way to start line. Photos on link above.
Friday 7:15am – Up, quick shower, then down to meet rest of team to see them off at start. I couldn’t turn my brain off. Fell asleep about 3:00am. Will get food with Van 2 runners at some point. Estes is ready for some bling.
Thursday 10:00pm – Met up with Chris Estes and Tommy Dabbs in Nashville at Tommy’s place around 1pm. We got a quick bite at The Corner Pub before van driver Jon Arnold graciously picked us up to take us to the team meeting spot in Murfreesboro. Everyone quickly introduced themselves to the guys they didn’t know.
We then boarded our respective vans and headed down to our luxury hotel, the Microtel (yes, mirrors on every wall. Gene and Kirk were pumped to be sharing a room), in Chattanooga. After a gaffe by the hotel, giving half the guy’s room we headed to Carraba’s for a nice pasta-carb load and socializing among ourselves.
Then 7 guys boarded van 2 to head back to the hotel for some sleep while the remaining 5 runners and our teo drivers headed to the Fox and Hound for drinks. Most of our leadoff van headed to the Hound so it could me an interesting start to the morning.
I passed out the team shirts to the guys who came back, and everyone seemed to approve. About to attempt some sleep. Van 2 plans to head to the start with Van 1 to see them off.
Check back tomorrow for updates when the connection allows.
It’s going to be a blast.
I will be live blogging my experience doing my first Ragnar Relay race. Our 12-person team, Bumpshack Racing, consists of myself Joshua Holmes, Scott Flowers, Kirk Catron, Tommy Dabbs, Chris Estes, Gene Caballero, Travis Lampley, Brandon Piacine, Scott Miller, Andy Schmeltzer, Chad Richardson, and Josh Watson.
Each Ragnar team (except the Ultra teams) consist of 12 runners split into two separate vans with each runner running 3 legs throughout the relay. Every runner must stay in the same order throughout the race.
We are fortunate to have Garth Bentley and John Arnold driving our vans throughout the relay.
We will be meeting up in Murfreesboro tomorrow afternoon, hopping in two 15-person passenger vans, and making the trek down to Chattanooga to get settled in for pasta, socializing, and perhaps even a little bit of rest for our 195-mile journey starting on Friday morning.
Van #1 – Gene, Watson, Flowers, Dabbs, Schmeltzer, Catron
Van #2 – Estes, Piacine, Holmes, Richardson, Miller, Lampley
Most of my updates during the live blog will be centered around Van #2 since that is where I will be spending most of my time. There will be several times during the relay though where both vans will be together.
Race Start Time: November 5, 2010 – 11:00am (Downtown Chattanooga)
(Refresh Page for Updates Until the Race is Over)
Posted in Events, Relay, RunningComments (3)