Archive | July, 2012

Media Maraton de Cali Medal 2012

Media Maraton de Cali Medal (2012)

This is the medal for the Media Maraton de Cali. The half marathon was held on July 8, 2012 in Cali, Colombia.

Fun medal with mascot Juancho Correlon!


[Medal submitted by Jorge Angel. Follow him on Twitter @777jaah]


Posted in Bling, Featured, Half Marathon, Medals0 Comments

Duo At The Ledge Half Marathon Medal 2012

Duo At The Ledge Half Marathon Medal (2012)

This is the medal for the Duo At The Ledge Half Marathon that was held on July 7, 2012 in Grand Ledge, MI.

It was a hot, hot Half so congrats to all the runners who finished and earned the medal!


[Medal submitted by RIF #108 Mark Sikkila. Follow him on Twitter @MarkSikkila]

Posted in Bling, Featured, Half Marathon, Medals0 Comments

Where Run It Fast Runners Are Running This Weekend (July 7-8, 2012)

Where Run It Fast Runners Are Running This Weekend (July 7-8, 2012)

Where Run It Fast Runners Are Running This Weekend (July 7-8, 2012)

Storified by Joshua Holmes · Fri, Jul 06 2012 19:17:35

Here is a look at where everyone is running this weekend. We had 19 responses this week. Good luck to everyone and Run It Fast!

To join Run It Fast – The Club then click HERE to read more details.

@runitfast Last bit of training for The Last Annual Vol State 500K that starts on Thursday. #runitfastJoshua Holmes
2.62mi race at @forthillhigh on Sat, long run on @GAP_Trail on Sun RT @runitfast Where are you running/racing this weekend?Mark Shipley
@runitfast , will be doing 5mile sea wall run in Grimsby, UK xlorna brown
@runitfast #Running the #Beachsutah ann robins
@runitfast the Main Street Mile in Peoria, IllinoisDalton
@runitfast 10 mile trail run…early Saturday 1/2 mary training #gottabeattheheatTheSkulllllTrain
@runitfast Grand Ledge Half Marathon in the heat. #RIF108 might become #RIP108, not even going to try to PRMark Sikkila
@runitfast 2 races this weekend, Sat: Avon Valley relay and Sunday Cheddar Gorge half mararhonCraig Brett
@runitfast I’ve been unable to run for 2 weeks as it was aggravating a shoulder problem. Dipping my toe tomorrow with 2k on the treadmill!Canicross Scotland
@runitfast I’m running to my daughter’s swim meet Saturday morning and then 3 hours on the trails and hills on Sunday.Jim Elliott
@runitfast Saturday breakfast training run with my local running group.Jess
@runitfast Leadville 100 training continues with lots of long, hot miles on the Shelby Farms/ Wolf River trails! #LT100Can’t Stop Endurance
@runitfast Running a 10k with 13 yr old son and 5 k with 7 yr old son at Dirty Dozen race in Point Pinole Rec. Park (Richmond, CA)Gregory Wilson
@runitfast I’ll be running 14 on the trails on Saturday morning and hopefully 10 more miles on Saturday night for ET training.Lisa Gonzales
@runitfast hopefully hitting the @Boilermaker15K. pending sick parent drama.Lee Anne Hooley
@runitfast the lord hill trail run, a 10-miler in snohomish, wa. #evergreentrailrunsmichael c. miller
@runitfast 2 mi xc series tomorrow morning…will be tough b/c I had food poisoning yesterday and tummy is not happy!Michelle Mitchell
@runitfast Sorry for the late response! Getting a 10+ miler training run in tomorrow morning. #runitfast #makeitcountE. Smith
@runitfast Fiddler 5K in Smithville, TNDavid W
*Note: If your Twitter account is set to private then your responses via Twitter won’t display here! 🙁

Posted in Half Marathon, Marathon, Running, Ultra Marathon0 Comments


Run It Fast Club Member Profile – Emily Conley #24


Emily Conley #24

This week’s RIF Club Member Profile is Emily Conley #24. Emily is just coming off a HUGE accomplishment – she just ran Western States 100 (her Race Report) and finished in 28:45! She is an amazing runner!

But that’s not what impressed me most about Emily. I met her at the Jackson Jackass 50K in February. It was raining when we met in the parking lot but she was all smiles. During the race, she passed me (like I was standing still) and asked me how I was doing. I told her I was having some stomach issues. She actually stopped and waited for me to catch up to her to remind me that she’d brought peanut butter & jelly sandwiches for all of us and that real food might help. Is that not cool, or what? It’s one of the things I love about the running community…their willingness to help out a new runner or someone having trouble. Emily is a great example of that. Oh, and by the way, Emily was the overall women’s winner at the Jackson Jackass 50K!

So let’s meet Emily:

Name: Emily Conley
RIF #: 24
Twitter: @trailjunke
Facebook: emily hendrix conley


Years running: 4
Favorite race distance: anything from 50k-100mile
Favorite race: Sylamore 50k
Favorite bling: belt buckle from Western States 100
Next race: possibly Arkansas Traveller 100
What makes you FEEL fast?: running in the dark


Which of your running routes makes you the happiest and why?  I love to run the trails at Herb Parsons lake in Memphis.  Its a beautiful place to run.  One of my favorite memories there is running the trails right after a snow.  Almost every time I run there I think of that day and it makes me smile.

Have you ever worn a costume during a race? What was it and for what race? If not, would you? no costumes.  ever.

What is the thing you splurge on after a race?  more running gear

Why do you race?  I love the people, the comraderie, seeing new places, and the feeling I get when I run well or even just finish a race that was really difficult.

Big races or small races? And why? I have a deep appreciation for small, grass-roots trail races….the kind where you stand behind a line and someone yells GO!  My least favorite races I’ve ever done are the Chicago Marathon and the Vegas Marathon.  Maybe I’m just a trail lover at heart.

What is the one piece of running gear you can’t leave the house without? Lululemon speed shorts

What was your biggest “don’t” of a race? skittles.  I’d explain but it was gross at best.

What running moment are you most proud of? A little over four years ago I finished my first half marathon.  It was the gateway drug that led to Ultrarunning.  I’ll never forget finishing that race.  But I’m not sure it compares to crossing the finish line at the Western States 100.  That was just surreal.

If you can’t run, you’re __okay___.  There has to be balance between running and the rest of life.  Sometimes it’s perfectly okay to sleep late and snuggle with the kids on Saturday morning.


As you can tell from her pictures, Emily is obviously have a great time while she’s running. Her reasons for running and racing make running a joy but she keeps it in perspective. Racing and running are not the be-all and the end-all of our world and we have to remember to keep some balance in our lives. They sure do make it sweeter though, don’t they?

Thanks for sharing Emily! We are so proud of you and know you will continue to Run It Fast!

If you’d like to join Run It Fast – The Club or would like more information about it, please click this link:

Run It Fast – The Club (JOIN TODAY)

[All photos submitted by Emily Conley and Naresh Kumar]

Posted in Interviews, Running, THE CLUB0 Comments

Scott Gatlin – Flag Run – Run It Fast – 4th of July

Happy 4th of July – #runitfast

Happy 4th of July to all of the Run It Fast – Club runners and runners all over the United States today.

Pictured in the photo above is RIF #80 Scott Gatlin during the first annual Flag Run in Jackson, Tennessee on July 4, 2012.

He was joined by about 20 other runners including RIF #38 JD Favara, RIF #39 Tanya Favara, RIF #82 Matthew Wylie, RIF #84 David Johnson, RIF #85 Brett Beckham, and RIF #120 Stephanie Johnson.

May running and physical fitness continue to make strides to make our country healthier and stronger.

If you are running a 4th of July race today then be sure to Run It Fast.

Use the tag #runitfast on Instagram for your 4th of July running photos (or running photos anytime) and the same tag on Twitter as well.

(You can join Run It Fast – The Club and learn more about it by clicking HERE.)


Posted in Running0 Comments

Liverpool Triathlon – European Championship Medal – 2012

Liverpool Triathlon Medal (2012)

Here is the finisher’s medal from the Liverpool Triathlon that took place on July 1, 2012 in Liverpool, England.

A very beautiful die-cut medal showcasing the beautiful city of Liverpool (I assume!)


[Medal submitted by Bryan Llorente. Follow him on Twitter @bryllo84]

Posted in Bling, Featured, Medals0 Comments

Queens 10K Medal – 2012

Queens 10K Medal (2012)

Here is the finisher’s medal from the Queens 10K that took place on July 1, 2012 in Queens, New York.

The race had 5,442 finishers and was won by Julius Lomeriyang in a time of 29:20.


[Medal submitted by Seth Tabor. Follow him on Twitter @Taborifica]

Posted in Bling, Featured, Medals, Running0 Comments

Leadville Trail Marathon Medal – 2012

Leadville Trail Marathon Medal (2012)

Here is the finisher’s medal from the Leadville Trail Marathon that took place on June 30, 2012 in Leadville, Colorado.


[Medal submitted by RIF #68 Brenton Day. Follow him on Twitter @thealerunner]

Posted in Bling, Featured, Marathon, Medals0 Comments

Western States 100 Canyons

2012 Western States 100 Race Report – Emily Conley

2012 Western States 100 Race Report (June 23-24, 2012)

I was at the Pink Palace Museum with a group of 6 year olds for a Daisies field trip when I found out. I stood there. Stunned. I wanted to scream. Run. Jump up and down. Cry. But all I could really do was stand there and go through the motions, heart beating out of my body, looking at decorations on Christmas Trees and pretending to be mentally present. I’d just found out I been chosen in the Western States lottery. I’d done my first 100 miler in August and had qualified to enter the lottery. Fact is, I entered as casually could be, glass of wine in hand, with no hope of getting in. After all, I had something like a 7% chance of being chosen. Come to find out, I was the only person from Tennessee chosen in the lottery. No pressure there.

So, I started reading. And obsessing. And running like Forrest Gump. I decided that I was, without a doubt, going to be the little fish in the big pond and the best I could do was train like crazy. In the months after I got ‘the news’ I ran 2 trail marathons, 4 – 50k’s, and 3 – 50 milers in addition to all the countless training miles on local trails. I ran in fear. Fear of failure to be honest. Lots of people now knew that this little-known blonde chick had gotten in and I am pretty sure there were several that not only didn’t think I deserved it but didn’t think I’d finish. And that, whether true or not, was gas on the training fire. I just really couldn’t fail.

It was finally time. Craig (husband and crew chief extraordinaire) and I got to Sacramento on the Wednesday before the race and picked up my pacer, Erno, on Thursday morning. I’d pretty much wrapped my mind around the whole thing until we drove into Squaw Valley ski resort and I saw it – the mountain. It was the first 4 miles…all straight up a ski mountain. Deep breath!! We had the rest of that day and all of the next day to get ready – drop bags, medical check, crew maps, etc. The details made my head swim. The ski village was filled with runners, many of whom grace the pages of Trailrunner every month. Some of them I recognized, and some of them Erno pointed out to me. I just kept thinking….breathe!

After a surprisingly good (but short) night’s sleep, I got up on race morning at 3:45 AM and picked up my timing chip and race number, ate breakfast, got dressed, and kept trying to just breathe. It was finally time. I’d heard the weather was going to be cooler, which was great.

Cool weather is historically rare for the Western States 100. I really didn’t pack for cool weather but was fortunate that Erno suggested I buy something to block the wind. Why did I choose a vest instead of a jacket?? I’d ask that question soon.

The race started. Slowly everyone started up the mountain. Everyone besides the elites and fools were walking. The further up the mountain we got, it got cold and windy. By the time I was almost to the top it was incredibly cloudy, crazy windy, and starting to rain. And what was that hitting me in the face? Oh yeah, that was sleet. So, on I go…up, up, up. Rain, sleet, wind, cold. I couldn’t feel my fingers, I couldn’t get warm, my hat kept blowing off, and I was peeing every 2 miles.

Geesh. I like running in the cold and the rain is something I even look forward to. But, I’m usually dressed for it and prepared. I just wasn’t. By the time I got to the mile 23 aid station and saw Craig and Erno, I had that look. The ‘OMG, what just happed to me’ look. They told me I looked great but I knew it was a lie. It’s that same look your sister gives you when she knows it was a bad haircut. The trying-to-hide-panic look.

I was hitting checkpoints at the 30-hour cutoff pace, which was fine with me. All I wanted was to finish. So, I let them change my socks and give me a pep-talk and I went on. Admittedly it got better. The sun even came out eventually and the feeling in my fingers came back.

And then there were the canyons. These things were steep. I basically went down steep switchbacks down a mountain, crossed a bridge over a little river, and went up steep switchbacks on the other side. I kept thinking of what I’d read and what Les Jones had been saying over and over…“Take it easy in the canyons.”

Maybe I took it too easy. By the time I got to Devil’s Thumb I was 20 minutes behind the 30 hour pace. I knew it was starting to get dark and I could pick up my pacer at the next aid station. Turns out I made up the 20 minutes I’d lost by the time I got to Michigan Bluff. Craig and Erno were going nuts. I think they were surprised I’d made up the time. We did a quick NASCAR-style tune up with a sock change and a new shirt and we started running again. Erno was on a mission. And I trusted him completely. I was tired. I’d already been running for 19 hours.

Off we went. I honestly don’t remember a lot about the details for a few hours after that except that the trails were wonderful. The rocks were gone. There was a lot of runnable downhill. And I didn’t have to think as much since I now had someone doing that for me. We seemed to run pretty well for the next few sections. Erno must have looked at his watch nonstop. Every 20 minutes he would make sure I was eating something or taking a gel. I was handed an S-cap…and mindlessly I’d pop the little white pill in my mouth and take a big drink. I did pretty much whatever he said.

Being on cruise control was great. Running at night was great. We started passing lots of other runners, some of whom had seen better days. There were runners arguing with their pacer-spouses, pacers impatiently standing and waiting on their puking runners, and lone runners who’d had the misfortune of running all night alone. We passed them all. Erno’s enthusiasm over the conquests was entertaining and motivating. We started hunting headlamps, passing everyone we could find. The only thing that made us run faster than picking off other runners was the sound of something huge moving in the woods right next to us. “RUN,” he said. And I did!!

By the time we got to the river crossing at mile 78, we were almost an hour ahead of the 30 hour pace. He’d been telling me that there was talk that the river would only be about thigh deep. No problem. I could do that. The only problem was that when we got there they told me it was more like chest deep. OH CRAP! At this point, after rain, cold, sleet, wind, rocks, and mountains what’s a little river crossing?

We kept looking for Craig, who was supposed to be at the aid station but we had gotten there so much earlier than expected that he wasn’t there yet. We crossed the cold river holding onto a cable that was stretched from one side to the other. They’d dropped glowsticks on the bottom so you could see just a little of what was underneath….big rocks. When we got to the other side I was just freezing and wet.

And then we saw Craig! He had gotten the text update that we had made it to Rucky Chucky and he was running down the hill to meet us. Craig and Erno thought I should change shoes and socks but I said I’d rather keep going. It was uphill for a couple miles after that so we eventually warmed up. Craig ran with us until we got to Green Gate and I stopped just long enough to get really cold again so we did another NASCAR pit stop and got back on the trail.

The sun started to come up and we were still moving pretty well, all things considered, when I looked to my left and said, “hey, what kind of animals are those?” With an “oh crap she’s losing it” look he turns around and tells me in his Hungarian accent that there aren’t any animals. They were rocks! Oh, and the abandoned bus in the woods…well, that was a tree that had fallen. Momma needed some sleep. We got a good little laugh and I decided it was best not to question things I was seeing, at least not out loud.

We got to the Hwy 49 Crossing, mile 93.5, and I was starting to say things like “I hurt like hell.” My quads had been tight for miles and they were starting to throb. It hurt to make contact with the ground. It was coming down to running to the next marker. I was still barely hanging on until I got almost to No Hands Bridge.

At this point, with only 3 miles to go, I was like an overly tired toddler at Target. I wanted to quit. I wanted to sleep. I wanted to cut my legs off. I was done. Three miles. That doesn’t sounds like much….unless you consider that there was a punishing amount of uphill climb in that last few miles. I cursed the bastards that would put a hill there. Sadists. I wanted to cry. I would have if I thought it would help.

Craig met us at Robie Point, a mile before the finish. I ran, walked, hobbled with husband on one side and my pacer on the other. They had been amazing. We had done it. We got to the Placer High School and entered the track. I’d made it. Half a lap around that thing seemed like an eternity. I felt every step. And not in a good way. I’ve only cried twice after a race. But I laid there with the sun in my face in the grassy center of that high school track and tears rolled down my face. I’m not sure if it was relief or exhaustion or pain. Maybe it was a combination…but I cried for a few minutes, eternally grateful for the opportunity I’d just had. I finished in 28:45.

I have to give special thanks to Craig and Erno. They were selfless, focused, and there for me in a way that humbles me beyond belief. Also, I have amazing family, friends and training buddies who believed in me and listened to me ramble and obsess for months over this race. Now it’s time to just breathe…until the next one.

– Emily Conley

Posted in Race Reports, Ultra Marathon3 Comments

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