Posted on 13 February 2012. Tags: bling, little rock marathon, marathon, medal, running, spinner
Here is a sneak peak at the 2012 Little Rock Marathon medal. The race will be held on March 4, 2012. This year is the 10th anniversary of the race.
The Little Rock Marathon is a very popular marathon in the South and has won several awards over the past few years.
However, this is by far the tackiest medal I’ve ever laid eyes on. I know that is partly by design but this thing is Liberace gaudy. The mirror ball within Thor’s shield is a spinner.
Last Year’s (2011) Little Rock Marathon Medal
Am I being too harsh on this piece of bling? Leave a comment with your thoughts.
Little Rock Marathon Website
[medal photo courtesy of Little Rock Marathon FB page]
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Joshua Holmes has completed 325 marathons/ultramarathons while running 100+ miles 62 including races such as the Badwater 135 (9x), Western States 100, The Last Annual Vol State 500K (4x). He is the founder of Run It Fast, the most driven club on the planet.
His favorite races to date are the Vol State 500K, Badwater 135, Barkley Fall Classic, Catalina Eco Marathon, Chimera 100, Across The Years, Savage Gulf Trail Marathon, Strolling Jim 40 Miler, Tunnel Hill 100, RUTS, EC100 and the Flying Monkey Marathon in his home state of Tennessee.
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Maybe lady holding it is just really small?
Way too big. Can you imagine the poor, tired souls they put that on? They might fall over from the weight!
THAT is the reason I am running another marathon!!!
I am sorry but that is truly AWFUL…. Id rather have the wood medal from the 15 dollar Recover from the Holidays 50k..
I’m running the Little Rock marathon in a couple weeks, and all I can say is that this medal is monstrously hideous. From the glittery spinning disco ball to the glitter-blasted paint all over it…horrible. Maybe I’m just a medal whore, but my excitement for this race has been noticeably diminished.
And this could just be a typical runner gripe here (we runners LOVE to grip), but would it be too much to ask that you hold off on posting pictures of medals until *after* the race is run? I’d avoided Little Rock’s Facebook page specifically because they’d noted in race emails that pictures of the medal were up on the FB page. I didn’t imagine that I would come across a “sneak peek” on this site.
I give them an “A” for effort and a “C-” for execution. I’ll take a tacky oversized medal over a standard bronze one with a runner on it anyday. I actually like the disco ball! They are a bit on the heavy side. When I hung the one up from last year, it pulled the hook out of the wall! I think it was 1 1/2 lbs!
That is the greatest medal I have ever seen. I have a large collection and want to add the largest racing medal. What a great tradition.
Woohoo! We are Little Rock bound for that fabulous medal!