On the one year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing we remember not only those that lost their lives or were injured on that tragic day, but we remember all of the heroic first responders, police officers, volunteers, and fellow runners that helped injured runners, spectators, loved ones, and brought reassurance to all that were shaken on that gloomy Boston afternoon.
What we learned that day is that runners are an extremely tight knit community, even if we come from various backgrounds, beliefs, and ideologies.
The city of Boston’s police, firefighters, first aid responders, hospitals, and doctors were flawless that day during extremely traumatic circumstances.
Marathon runners and their families that day found solace in each other’s embrace, warmth, and strength as a group. The rest of us runners that weren’t there united in prayer while raising support emotionally and financially in order to keep spirits afloat. We used our legs in the ensuing weeks to show that two deranged bombers couldn’t terrorize us from racing or scare us away from running.
It’s catchy to say ‘Boston Strong!’ but in actuality it’s ‘Runner Strong!’ Runners from all over the United States and globe have each other’s backs in good times, bad times, and when terror strikes we unite closer than most countries do during an attack or natural disaster.
Running has helped thousands of runners overcome addiction, loss of life, pain, and create a new and healthier lifestyle. So inherently it’s a very strong group. Running only makes us stronger and closer. When something like the bombing at the Boston Marathon happens strengthens our bond and shows the very best of all of us.
So today we remember those we lost and those that lost limb or health that day. We raise them up, not just with our legs, but with our hearts and in remembrance, not only today, but every time we lace up our running shoes or simply think about them.
-Joshua Holmes