Ruperto Romero won the Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run (AC 100) early Sunday morning with a time of 19:28:01.
Second place, nearly a hour behind Romero, went to Michele Graglia in 20:25:19. Last year’s defending champ Dominic Grossman finished in third place in 20:41:38.
Pam Smith was the first female to finish the AC 100 in 21:04:18 which was an impressive 6th overall. It was also a new course record.
The next closest female was Keira Henninger in 25:04:46. Third place female went to Amelia Valinsky-Fillipow in 25:54:23.
Top 10 Angeles Crest 100 Miler Results
- Ruperto Romero – 19:28:01
- Michele Graglia – 20:25:19
- Dominic Grossman – 20:41:38
- Randy Vander Tuig – 20:49:02
- Christophe Sigel – 20:55:16
- Pam Smith – 21:04:18 (female)
- David Villalobos – 21:59:03
- Andy Pearson – 22:24:21
- Guillaume Calmettes – 22:43:55
- Tom Nielson – 22:56:48
Congrats to all of the finishers of the Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run.