2014 Boston Marathon Live Blog/Coverage

Live blog and coverage of the Boston Marathon on April 21, 2014. The race starts at 9:30am ET. Our coverage will start a few minutes before.

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Top 10 Boston Marathon Male Finishers:
1. Meb Keflezighi (San Diego, Calif.) 2:08:37
2. Wilson Chebet (KEN) 2:08:48
3. Frankline Chepwony (KEN) 2:08:50
4. Vitaliy Shafar (UKR) 2:09:37
5. Markos Geneti (ETH) 2:09:50
6. Joel Kimurer (KEN) 2:11:03
7. Nick Arciniaga (Flagstaff, Ariz.) 2:11:47
8. Jeffrey Eggleston (Boulder, Colo.) 2:11:57
9. Paul Lonyangata (KEN) 2:12:34
10. Adil Annani (MAR) 2:12:43

12:14pm – Only fitting that Meb wins this historic 2014 Boston Marathon one year after the traumatic events of last year’s race.

12:09pm – MEB WINS!!!!!!! 2014 Boston Marathon Winner – Meb Keflezighi fist pumping, urging the crowd on as he approaches the tape! (via @BostonMarathon)

12:08pm – < 1000m to go for Meb. Let's go MEB!!! #runitfast 12:06pm - Last USA win at Boston was in 1983. Meb's drained near empty and second place is making up ground fast. Wilson Chebet is the chaser. 12:05pm - Meb is past 25 miles. Meb 2:02:32 at 25 12:00pm - Meb is at mile 23 with a 4:56 split. Can he? It's sure looking that way.

Top 10 Boston Marathon Female Finishers
1. Rita Jeptoo (KEN) 2:18:57
2. Buzunesh Deba (ETH) 2:19:59
3. Mare Dibaba (ETH) 2:20:35
4. Jemima Jelagat Sumgong 2:20:41
5. Meselech Melkamu (ETH) 2:21:28
6. Aleksandra Duliba (BLR) 2:21:29
7. Shalane Flanagan (USA) 2:22:02
8. Sharon Cherop (KEN) 2:23:00
9. Philes Ongori (KEN) 2:23:22
10. Desiree Linden (USA) 2:23:54

11:58am – Women’s elite winner Rita Jeptoo’s (KEN) 2:28:57 time is a course record. (via @BostonMarathon) Congrats on the repeat and 3rd Boston win. 8th fastest female marathon ever.

11:56am – Shalane Flanagan sets US record for fastest time at Boston Marathon in 2:21:01

11:55am – BOSTON MARATHON FEMALE WINNER: Rita Jeptoo (KEN) sets a course record (~2:18:57) to win the women’s 2014 Boston Marathon. Congrats to Rita who was so strong in finishing.

11:52am – 9 minutes away from Rita Jeptoo winning the Boston Marathon. Meb continues to kick and lead the men.

11:51am – 5:12 mile for Meb over Heartbreak Hill.

11:49am – Rita Jeptoo just knocked off a 4:47 split at mile 24. She is less than 2 miles from winning the 2014 Boston Marathon.

11:48am – Last year’s third place finisher in the men’s field Gebregziabher Gebremariam (ETH) has dropped out of the race at mile 15. (via @BostonMarathon)

11:45am – At 23 miles, the 2013 and 2006 Boston Marathon champion, Rita Jeptoo (KEN), establishes a large lead over the pack (2:03:01/5:14 split). (via @BostonMarathon)

11:44am – Meb is past mile 20 still looking pretty strong. Few signs of fatigue popping up.

11:41am – Amazing that the rest of the elite men have disappeared. Meb is having a great race but he is not blazing the course.

11:39am – Meb Keflezighi turns in a 4:58 clip to reach mile 18 in 1:28:04. (via @BostonMarathon) and 4:47 to mile 19.

11:34am – Mare Dibiba leads the women at mile 21. Meb continues to lead the men and has a large lead of 15 seconds.

11:30am – The women have hit mile 20 and Buzunesh Deba has taken the lead. 4 women remain in lead back. Flanagan has fallen off and out of the lead back.

11:27am – Meb is at mile 16 and his last mile split was 4:37.

11:22am – Meb looks extremely strong yet very relaxed. 25K in 1:15:59

11:21am – Meb has turned it up and is starting to put a bit of distance on Boit. The rest of the elite men must have stopped for a nap because they are no where in the picture at this point.

11:19am – Shalane is looking a bit more strained. 6 elite women are on her shoulder likely waiting for the chance to try to drop the hammer on Flanagan. A very impressive race by Flanagan no matter what happens from this point forward.

11:11am – Meb Keflezighi and Josphat Boit hit the half way point at 1:04.20. Their lead is up to 38 seconds and they are well alone in front of the other elite men.

11:09am – Women are at mile 17. Flanagan starting to get pushed and challenged a bit. (1:30:17)

11:04am – Tatyana McFadden (USA) wins her second straight push rim title (time: 1:35:06). (via @BostonMarathon)

11:02am – We are less than 60 min from having a female winner of the 118th Boston Marathon.

11:00am – 2014 Boston Marathon Finisher’s Medal (Pic)

10:59am – Shalane has been nothing less than dominant to this point. She might be putting something magical together today, but there is a lot of race left.

10:51am – Shalane hits the halfway point and is leading the women at a course record pace. She hit 13.1 in 1:09:25.

10:50am – Meb Keflezighi leading the men’s field at mile 8 by about eight seconds. Total time 39:10, 4:54 split. (via @BostonMarathon)

10:49am – Women are near the half way point. Shalane still up front. Ryan Hall has picked up the pace and is pacing the elite men at this point.

10:42am – Ernst Van Dyk breaks the tape to claim his 10th Boston Marathon title (wheelchair)!

10:41am – The elite women, continued to be led by Shalane Flanagan, are approaching Wellesley College.

10:35am – Flanagan continues to lead the women. Men’s elite led by Hall (USA), Keflezighi (USA) and Markos Geneti (ETH) run a 10k in 30:28. (via @BostonMarathon)

10:32am – Almost an exclusively white field of runners behind the elites today. Hopefully our sport can diversify over the next decade.

10:31am – Elite women pack down to 7 with Shalane leading the group.

10:30am – Wave #2 has been released and thousands more men and women have begin their journey towards Boston.

10:27am – Still a large pack of elite men bundled together. Slow pace so far. It’ll pick up once one of these elite men is tired of plodding along and believes he can get out and put some distance on everyone.

10:25am – The men’s field goes through mile 4 in 19:29 (~2:08:00 pace). (via @BostonMarathon)

10:24am – Men 24 sec behind world record pace at the 5k point.

10:23am – 19 min in and USA’s Meb is leading the 118th Boston Marathon.

10:19am – Tatyana McFadden (USA) distances herself in at mile 15 for the wheelchair women lead (52:21) (via @BostonMarathon)

10:16am – The elite pack of men is currently being led by Americans Ryan Hall and Meb.

10:14am – At the 10K mark (Framingham), Buzunesh Deba (ETH) and Flanagan (USA) pace the elite women’s lead pack (32:32). (via @BostonMarathon)

10:08am – 4:49 pace for the elite men through mile 1.

10:04am – Ernst Van Dyk leads the men’s chair through mile 12 in 34:39. (via @BostonMarathon)

Boston Marathon Qualifying Times/Standards

10:03am – The elite men and corral 1 is off! [TV talking head disses women, “And now it feels like the Boston Marathon has officially begun!”]

10:00am – Lelisa Desisa, last year’s winner, donning bib #1.

9:59am – The elite men are being introduced. Will a course record happen today?

9:57am – Flanagan back up front 24 min in after catching back up after the refueling station. Deba is next within the lead back behind Flanagan.

9:56am – I agree that Abdi strongly resembles Kobe Bryant facially.

9:55am – 5 minutes until the elite men start. How will Americans Ryan and Meb do today?

9:54am – Women field cross the 5K at a blazing 16:10 Flanagan (USA) continues to lead the 12 runner pack. (via @bostonmarathon)

9:52am – Fun Fact: It takes over 10,000 volunteers to put on the Boston Marathon.

9:50am – Shalane Flanagan continues to lead the lead elite women pack with about 10 runners in it.

9:47am – Dick and Ricky Hoyt just started with the rest of the push chairs.

9:46am – Fast start for the women. 5min9sec for the first mile by leader Shalane Flanagan.

9:45am – 15 minutes until the elite men start!

9:33am – The elite women have started! The strongest and deepest field according to many local experts and commentators.

9:31am – The introductions of the elite runners are taking place and we are moments away from the start of the 118th Boston Marathon. 57 degrees for the start of the race.

9:30am ET – Official start time for the elite male and female athletes.

2014 Boston Marathon Elite Men and Women

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- who has written 1138 posts on Run It Fast®.

Joshua Holmes has completed 325 marathons/ultramarathons while running 100+ miles 62 including races such as the Badwater 135 (9x), Western States 100, The Last Annual Vol State 500K (4x). He is the founder of Run It Fast, the most driven club on the planet. His favorite races to date are the Vol State 500K, Badwater 135, Barkley Fall Classic, Catalina Eco Marathon, Chimera 100, Across The Years, Savage Gulf Trail Marathon, Strolling Jim 40 Miler, Tunnel Hill 100, RUTS, EC100 and the Flying Monkey Marathon in his home state of Tennessee. Follow @bayou Follow @joshuaholmes on Instagram

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