Tag Archive | "Graves’ Disease"


Because Boston

Leaving Hopkinton

Graves’ Disease eats your muscles, those of the shoulders, upper arms, and thighs. You need thigh muscles to run.
But this story is not about Graves’ Disease. And it never will be. Damn Graves’ Disease. This story is about the 2014 Boston Marathon, the 118th running of the historic race, the race just one year after the murderous bombing. Damn Graves’ Disease.
I’m incredibly lucky. I’ve had complimentary entry at Boston for the last three years, having finished on the podium three years in a row, finishing last year just twenty minutes before the blast. I’m lucky.
In January of this year, when I began to crank up my training for the race, I realized something was terribly wrong. My speed had vanished and I was losing strength in the weight room, too. That brought blood tests in February. Then in March an endocrinologist told me I had Graves’ Disease.

Read the full story by Dallas Smith by clicking HERE

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