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Back of Newton Terra Momentus Train Running Shoe

Review: Newton Terra Momentus (Off-Road Trainer) Running Shoe

Newton Terra Momentus (Momentum) Off Road Trainer

Finally, after nearly two-months of waiting and delays, I received Newton’s new and first off-road trainer, the Netwon Terra Momentus (Momentum) on my doorstep earlier today.

In full disclosure, I’ve been running in Newton Running Shoes for nearly a year and love them.  Since switching from the Asics Nimbus to the Newton Distance I’ve had no major injuries and less soreness/pain from long runs.

Newton is different from other shoe companies in that they put a lot of resources, research, and technology towards creating a shoe that patterns that of a natural or barefoot runner.

Newton’s rubber lugs on the forefoot of the sole of  the shoe trains you to land on the forefoot or sweet spot of your foot, as opposed to landing on your heel which can cause serious injuries if done over and over.

The shoes have worked great for me. There is a learning curve with them, and Newton advises to start over with short distance runs and gradually add mileage as your feet and body adjusts to running in Newtons.

As I’ve finished several marathons in the past year, I’ve started to eye more trail marathons and ultras for the upcoming year.  I knew the Newton Distance, although great for road racing, was not ideal for dusty, technical trails and nasty roots.

So Does the Newton Momentus Live Up to the Hype?

I opened the Momentus box today and told myself I would wait until I had a good trail to try them out on.  Two hours later I had them laced up for a quick 2-mile test on the pavement.

I could tell just holding the shoes, right out of the box, that they would fit like a glove.  They actually almost felt like a glove just holding them.  They fit more snug than a regular Newton running shoe for sure.

The shoes feel more stable than your normal Newton. The lugs are smaller and placed a bit further back on the sole. The lugs also have added traction on them, as opposed to the smooth lugs on the Distance.  The Momentus is very stable on the foot and feels a bit like the Asics Nimbus without being as bulky or heavy.

Once I took off on my run, I almost didn’t notice the shoes again until I took them off. They felt great, my foot seemed to naturally fit the shoe, and the lacing system did a good job of conforming the shoe to my foot even more.

I felt like I was able to focus more on my running form in the Momentus.  I was able to hold my form well and land on my forefoot with ease (I didn’t have a chance to over think it).

I ran the Bartlett Park Ultra 50K back in September in the Newton Distance and it performed pretty good.  I noticed two things that day that caused problems on the trail: 1. Stability/support and 2. Lugs were perhaps a bit too big and caused a couple of my trips and face-plants.

Those two things are the most modified on the Momentus.  The lugs are rounded, not as big, and further back on the shoe as I mentioned earlier.  And the stability of the shoe is kinda freaky similar to what I loved about the Asics Nimbus a couple of years back.

The insole of the shoe is thicker than your typical Newton and the outer sole is a thicker rubber as well, especially in the heel.

Some how Newton was able to make those modifications while keeping the shoe light.  The shoe only weighs 11.2 ounces (which is light for a trail running shoe).

The colors are bright and loud (Forest+Lime).  But that is a Newton trademark that makes them easy to spot at 5K’s, marathons, and ultras.

My Newton bias aside, they appear to have put together a great trail running shoe in the Momentus while adding comfort and stability to their forefoot technology.

As I’ve seen in road marathons over the past year, I expect to see more and more bright Newtons off-road and putting down miles on dusty trails.


  • Comfort: A+
  • Lightness: A-
  • Durability: (TBD)
  • Stability: A
  • Cost: B- ($139)

– Joshua Holmes

Newton Terra Momentus Website

Posted in Featured, Shoes, Ultra MarathonComments (2)

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