Social media photo of Suspect #2 Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev

UPDATE 4: NBC News and AP reporting that the suspects are brothers and are Russian. The suspect at large according to the AP: Surviving Boston bomb suspect identified as Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, of Cambridge, Mass NOT Sunil Tripathi.
MORE FROM AP ON SUSPECTS: Boston bomb suspects from Russia region near Chechnya, lived in US at least 1 year
AND MORE FROM @NBCNEWS: Boston suspects are brothers, aged 19 and 20, and legal permanent U.S. residents of Chechen origin, sources say
Universities closed: Universities in Boston area closed: Harvard, MIT, Boston College, Boston U., Emerson via @CNN
UPDATE 3: Skolnik now reporting (via scanner) that the suspect was not in the cab that police arrested three men and that the search for suspect #2 continues…
Police are reporting on the scanner that they have suspect #2 in custody: “We’ve got him, he’s in custody right now!” per @MichaelSkolnik. No confirmation yet.
DEVELOPING: NBC: Pete Williams: carjacking victim told authorities the carjackers identified themselves as the marathon bombers – via @NewsBreaker
UPDATE 2: Doctors at Beth Israel Hospital say that alleged suspect #1 that was brought to ER died from multiple gunshot wounds and what seemed to be like an explosion as well.
NBC reporting that suspect #2 is not Sunil Tripathi. More as this story continues to break… As reported earlier the names Sunil Tripathi and Mike Mulugeta were mentioned on the Boston Police scanner as suspects per several reports but never confirmed officially.
UPDATE: Boston Police via it’s twitter @Boston_Police releases new image of suspect #2 that looks as if it was taken at a gas station/7-Eleven. “Believe this man to be a terrorist out to kill people!” (see below)
Police scanner identified names per @NewsBreaker
Reports are tying the MIT shooting and bombing to the Boston Marathon bombings as well. Explosions and multiple gun shots have killed at least one campus police officer. A car jacking also took place at a 7-Eleven where the officer was believed to have been shot. Explosives where thrown from the car during the chase.
Fox News is reporting that suspect #1 is dead. Suspect #2 is believed to be loose, armed, and on the run.
Police need to verify this information. Mike Mulugeta is an Ethiopian Name. The suspect does not look as an Ethiopian or nor does any Ethiopian will do this type of act. So they are using stolen Identities. Suspect number two must be using a stolen identity of the student who disappeared from Brown University, perhaps even harmed the poor fellow. The police need this information to identify these guys properly and find out what their motives are to harm innocent people of Boston. I hope they catch them and find out who sent these beasts to USA.